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Pluck random elements from an array until it's empty...then start over

Randomly pluck values from an array one-by-one until they've all been plucked (almost as if when you pluck one, it's no longer available to be plucked again until ALL of them have been uniquely plucked):

function pluckRandomFrom(array) {
return (
array.eligible && array.eligible.length
? array.eligible
: (array.eligible = gsap.utils.shuffle(array.slice(0)))

All you've gotta do is feed the array in each time and it keeps track of things for you!

Alternatively, if you just want to pull a random element from an array that's not the PREVIOUS one that was pulled (so not emptying the array, just pulling randomly while ensuring the same element isn't pulled twice in a row), you can use this:

function getRandomFrom(array) {
var selected = array.selected;
while (
selected === (array.selected = Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length))
) {}
return array[array.selected];