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Get the scroll position associated with a particular ScrollTriggered animation

Perhaps you want to scroll the page to the exact spot where a particular scroll-triggered animation starts (or ends or any progress value) - just feed this helper function your animation (it must have a ScrollTrigger of course) and optionally a progress value (0 is when the animation starts, 0.5 is halfway through, 1 is the end) and it'll return the scroll position which you could feed into a scrollTo tween, for example:

function getScrollPosition(animation, progress) {
let p = gsap.utils.clamp(0, 1, progress || 0),
st = animation.scrollTrigger,
containerAnimation = st.vars.containerAnimation;
if (containerAnimation) {
let time = st.start + (st.end - st.start) * p;
st = containerAnimation.scrollTrigger;
return (
st.start + (st.end - st.start) * (time / containerAnimation.duration())
return st.start + (st.end - st.start) * p;

It even works with the "containerAnimation" feature:
