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Blend two eases

If you need one ease at the start of your animation, and a different one at the end, you can use this function to blend them!

//just feed in the starting ease and the ending ease (and optionally an ease to do the blending), and it'll return a new Ease that's...blended!
function blendEases(startEase, endEase, blender) {
var parse = function (ease) {
return typeof ease === "function" ? ease : gsap.parseEase("power4.inOut");
s = gsap.parseEase(startEase),
e = gsap.parseEase(endEase),
blender = parse(blender);
return function (v) {
var b = blender(v);
return s(v) * (1 - b) + e(v) * b;
//example usage:"#target", {
duration: 2,
x: 100,
ease: blendEases("", "bounce"),



If you need to invert an ease instead, see this demo for a different helper function.