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getTweensOf( target:[Object | Selector text | Array], nested:Boolean ) : Array

Returns the tweens of a particular object that are inside this timeline.


  • target: [Object | Selector text | Array]

    The target object of the tweens.

  • nested: Boolean

    (default = true) - Determines whether or not tweens that are inside nested timelines should be returned. If you only want the "top level" tweens and timelines, set this to false.

Returns : Array

An Array of Tween instances.


Returns the tweens of a particular target that are inside this timeline. You may pass in multiple targets in an array or selector text.

// Get all tweens of the timeline with the target of ".myClass"

// Get all tweens of the timeline with the target of myElem, including nested timelines
tl.getTweensOf(myElem, true);