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Returns : VelocityTracker

A VelocityTracker object that's responsible for doing the tracking.


Allows you to have the velocity of particular properties automatically tracked for you so that InertiaPlugin tweens can access that data internally instead of manually calculating it and feeding it into each tween. For example, let's say there's an object that the user interacts with by dragging it or maybe it is being tweened and then at some point you want to create a throwProps tween that smoothly continues that motion and glides to a rest. Normally, you'd need to write your own tracking code that records that object's x and y properties and the time stamps so that when it comes time to feed the velocity into the throwProps tween, you'd have the necessary data to calculate it. But let's face it: that can be cumbersome to do manually, and that's precisely why the track() method exists.

Just feed in the target and a comma-delimited list of its properties that you want tracked like this:

InertiaPlugin.track(obj, "x,y");

Then every time the core tweening engine updates (at whatever frame rate you're running), the x and y values (or whichever properties you define) will be recorded along with time stamps (it keeps a maximum of 2 of these values and continually writes over the previous ones, so don't worry about memory buildup). This even works with function-based properties like getters and setters.

Then, after at least 100ms and 2 "ticks" of the core engine have elapsed (so that some data has been recorded), you can create throwProps tweens for those properties and omit the velocity values and it will automatically populate them for you internally. For example:

//first, start tracking "x" and "y":
InertiaPlugin.track(obj, "x,y");

//then, after at least 100ms, let's smoothly tween to EXACTLY x:200, y:300, {duration: 2, throwProps: {x: {end: 200}, y: {end: 300}}, ease: "Strong.easeOut"});

//and if you want things to use the defaults and have obj.x and obj.y glide to a stop based on the velocity rather than setting any destination values, just use "auto":, {duration: 2, throwProps: {x: "auto", y: "auto"}, ease: "Strong.easeOut"});

Notice that "auto" is a valid option when you're tracking the properties too, but only for tracked properties.

What kinds of properties can be tracked?

Pretty much any numeric property of any object can be tracked, including function-based ones. For example, obj.x or obj.rotation or even obj.myCustomProp(). In fact, for getters and setters that start with the word "get" or "set" (like getCustomProp() and setCustomProp()), it will automatically find the matching counterpart method and use the getter appropriately, so you can track the getter or setter and it'll work. You cannot, however, track custom plugin-related values like directionalRotation, autoAlpha, or physics2D because those aren't real properties of the object. You should instead track the real properties that those plugins affect, like rotation, alpha, x, or y.


You should untrack() properties when you no longer need them tracked in order to maximize performance and ensure things are released for garbage collection. To untrack, simply use the untrack() method.