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  1. Yes, this is built with GSAP. Looking in the source code, they're using a very recent version of TweenMax.
  2. The animations in animate.css are pretty cool, I hope this goes well.
  3. The reason you are getting a syntax error is because none is being treated as a variable, when it's supposed to be a string, or a variable with a string. Again, autoAlpha is useful here.
  4. fullpage.js only gives sections, it doesn't do anything as far as callbacks.
  5. @ohem thanks for the tip! Never knew that was a property that you could change.
  6. Step 1: attach a "scroll" event to the document Step 2: when the event is fired, check window.scrollY. If it aligns with one of the sections, proceed to step 3 Step 3: fire desired animation(s)
  7. The lower the perspective value is, the more dramatic the FOV becomes. Basically, if perspective is high enough, it may as well be 0.
  8. So, here is an idea: Let's say I have an element that I want to have animated with different eases for the x and y props. Normally, to do that, I would have to do this: TweenMax.to("#box", 1, { x:200, ease:Power4.easeOut }); TweenMax.to("#box", 1, { y:200, ease:Power4.easeIn }); But, what if I could do it like this instead: TweenMax.to("#box", 1, { x:{ value:200, ease:Power4.easeOut }, y:{ value:200, ease:Power4.easeIn } }); I think that would be a pretty cool thing to have. Can you guys make this happen?
  9. I wish bounce were a configurable ease. could be really useful that way.
  10. This is really interesting. I am new to jquery, so this is some new code to me.
  11. As you can see in the attached codepen, I want to make a small hover effect. after looking through some docs on both Jquery and GSAP, it still is not working. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
  12. So, I have a small problem. I want to be able to customize things in the throwprops plugin, like friction and bounciness. But it doesn't let you do anything like that, so I wondered, is it possible to combine the functionality of the two plugins?
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