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tween a movieclip through next / prev buttons

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I have a movieclip called square_mc.

I want this movieclip to move up 10 px every time a next button is clicked and down 10 px every time a prev button is clicked. How can I achieve that?


TweenLite.to(mc, 1, {y:117});


Normally without a tween I would do like this, but this does not animate, just moves the movieclip to a y position but it's incremental.


right.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToNextFrame);

function fl_ClickToGoToNextFrame(event:MouseEvent):void
square_mc.y -= 8;

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import com.greensock.*;

right.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToNextFrame);

function fl_ClickToGoToNextFrame(event:MouseEvent):void
  TweenLite.to(square_mc, 1, { y:String(-10) } );
  // OR
  TweenLite.to(square_mc, 1, { y:"-10" } );

When tweening to a value with type 'String', the value will be calculated relative to the target's current position. If square_mc is currently at y:100, then tweening to y:"-10" will be calculated as y:90. Then when square_mc is at y:90, tweening to y:"-10" will be calculated as y:80 etc.


However, this will have a small problem if the user clicks quickly, as square_mc could be in the middle of tweening, eg y is currently at 94, in which case the next tween will be calculated to y:84. I'm assuming this is not desired?


In this case, store the y value in a variable, so that absolute y values can be used.


import com.greensock.*;

right.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToNextFrame);

var square_mc_Y:int = square_mc.y;

function fl_ClickToGoToNextFrame(event:MouseEvent):void
  square_mc_Y -= 10;
  TweenLite.to(square_mc, 1, { y:square_mc_Y } );

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