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Tween a projectionCenter point?

kaplan test
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Sorry, this might be a why would you want to do that question...


I'm wondering if it's possible to tween a projectionCenter point. Let's say I have something like the following:

perspectivePoint = root.transform.perspectiveProjection.projectionCenter = new Point(480,200);
trace(perspectivePoint.x); // traces 480


I have a group of objects that are at different z's and I'd like to do a subtle shift the perspective instead of rotating y or x. Is that crazy? I'm a better off just using rotationY. Is it possible and how would I tween something like the perspectivePoint.x? And have the stage's projectionCenter update itself?


Any advice or insight would be really great.



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You can tween pretty much any numeric value with TweenLite/Max, yes. Some properties in Flash, however, require that you re-apply them in a specific way in order for the changes to take effect. I'm pretty sure that's how it works with projectionCenter. You can just use an onUpdate to re-apply the Point, though, like this:


perspectivePoint = root.transform.perspectiveProjection.projectionCenter = new Point(480,200);
TweenLite.to(perspectivePoint, 2, {x:600, onUpdate:applyPoint});
function applyPoint():void {
   root.transform.perspectiveProjection.projectionCenter = perspectivePoint;


You could create a TweenPlugin that would do this for you instead, but it's not necessary.

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  • 2 months later...

Thanks for that guys - I've been pulling my hair out for days trying to solve a dynamically changing perspectiveProjection center - one that responded to a users mouse move. Here was my solution, thanks!

(the Box3d is a separate class that builds a box)


package com {


import flash.events.*;

import flash.display.*;

import flash.geom.*;

import com.greensock.*;

import com.common.Box3d;


public class DynamicProjectionCenter extends Sprite {


private var _box:Box3d;

private var _perspectivePoint:*;

private var _currentX:Number;

private var _currentY:Number;


public function Hotdraw() {


_box = new Box3d();



_currentX = this.stage.stageWidth /2;

_currentY = this.stage.stageHeight /2;


_box.x = _currentX - (_box.width/2);

_box.y = _currentY - (_box.height/2);;

_box.z = -1;


_perspectivePoint = root.transform.perspectiveProjection.projectionCenter = new Point(_currentX,_currentY);


stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, updatePerspective);


}//end constructor


private function updatePerspective(evt:MouseEvent):void{


TweenLite.to(_perspectivePoint, 1, {x:evt.stageX, y:evt.stageY, onUpdate:applyPoint});



private function applyPoint():void {

root.transform.perspectiveProjection.projectionCenter = _perspectivePoint;



}// end class

}//end package

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