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onComplete and for loops

Nickbee test
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When I use a for loop to tween a bunch of stuff and want to call a function on the complete of the least tween I’ve been using a conditional like so:


		private function initTweenIcons():void
		for (var i:int=0 ; i<_numIcons ; i++)
			var temp:MovieClip = iconName[tweenOrder[i]];
			if (i != _numIcons-1)
				TweenMax.to(temp, tweenSpeed, {x:finalIconX[tweenOrder[i]], y:finalIconY[tweenOrder[i]], scaleX:.8, scaleY:.8, alpha:1, delay:i*.1, motionBlur:true, ease:Cubic.easeInOut});
				TweenMax.to(temp, tweenSpeed, {x:finalIconX[tweenOrder[i]], y:finalIconY[tweenOrder[i]], scaleX:.8, scaleY:.8, alpha:1, delay:i*.1, motionBlur:true, ease:Cubic.easeInOut, onComplete:addListeners});


This works perfect but I’m wondering if there is an easier, more efficient way to do this. I know a timer could be used, aka delayedCall, but I figured this is more reliable just in case things don’t sync up perfectly.


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Yeah, if you put all your icons in an array you can use TweenMax.allFrom or TweenMax.allTo like so:


var icons:Array = new Array(icon1, icon2, icon3);

TweenMax.allTo(icons, 1, {y:"50"}, 0, done);

function done(){

//0: delay / stagger between tweens running
//done: name of function to call when all tweens are complete

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oh snap. I didn't think of that.

although by passing in the y property as a string "50", all icons will move 50pixels from where they are, so if you have a clever way of placing them initially 50 pixels away from where they are going too... ahhh probably won't get you away from the loop anyway. hmmm. (i'm just using 50 x pixels as an example).


Well since you have a loop already in place, you can append all your tweens into a TimelineLite/Max instance and then at least when the timeline is done you can fire an onComplete function.


as far as the amount of code needed it will probably be a touch more than your existing loop, but it may get you a few personal neatness points 8-)

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Yep, exactly Carl. The code could probably be simplified to:


private function initTweenIcons():void {
var tl:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite({onComplete:addListeners});
for (var i:int=0 ; i		tl.insert( TweenMax.to(iconName[tweenOrder[i]], tweenSpeed, {x:finalIconX[tweenOrder[i]], y:finalIconY[tweenOrder[i]], scaleX:.8, scaleY:.8, alpha:1, delay:i*.1, motionBlur:true, ease:Cubic.easeInOut}) );


The other nice thing about that is you can control everything as a whole. You could reverse(), restart(), change the timeScale, etc. all by using the TimelineLite.

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