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Clicking the mouse to change the tween duration?

3Eyes test
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I'm a bit new to AS3 and have a simple question to ask.


I'm making a card game and use TweenLite to animate the cards coming off the deck. I would like the user to have the option of speeding up the animation though. Is there any way I can make it so that while my tween is moving the card, and the user clicks the mouse anywhere on the screen, it changes its duration to a shorter time (deals the card faster, during the tween)?


Any help is much appreciated!

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Sure, TweenMax, TimelineLite, and TimelineMax all have a timeScale property that you can set anytime, even while the tween is in progress. Heck, you can even tween that property with another tween! Setting timeScale to 0.5 would make it run at half speed while 2 would make it run twice as fast. Feel free to tuck a bunch of tweens into a TimelineLite and then alter its timeScale to affect all of those tweens as a whole.

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Sure, TweenMax, TimelineLite, and TimelineMax all have a timeScale property that you can set anytime, even while the tween is in progress. Heck, you can even tween that property with another tween! Setting timeScale to 0.5 would make it run at half speed while 2 would make it run twice as fast. Feel free to tuck a bunch of tweens into a TimelineLite and then alter its timeScale to affect all of those tweens as a whole.


I apologize because I know this has nothing to do with TweenMax, but how would I set up an event listener to do this? I know how to set one up to listen for a click on abutton or movieclip, but not anywhere on the screen.


Thank you!

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