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Reposition after scale

rflc test
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This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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Hi, this is my first post, and as such, this is a noob question. How can I reset an object's position to the top left corner of its parent after it has been scaled?

Edit: I was abled to solve it, I just needed to reset the transformOrigin property to the top left of the object.

See the Pen ZVEQMJ by rflc (@rflc) on CodePen

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@GreenSock Thank you so much. I actually have a related question, how can I re-position  an element without position:relative to the center of the screen? I had to position the element with only margins to float text around its initial (final) position. When I try:


TweenMax.set('#myElement', {left:"50%", top:"50%", yPercent:-50, xPercent:-50});


It actually moves the element to its top left (off screen)

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Hm, why wouldn't you just set position:relative? Do you have a demo? 


You could probably use getClientBoundingRect() and do the math to determine what the x/y values should be, but I noticed you're using relative units like vw/vh, so that won't really work in a responsive way when you do absolute transforms. Again, a super simple demo would be helpful. 

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Hi guys, sorry it is taken me this long. 


@mikel That's a very clever way to center elements. I need to translate to the center after the element is positioned with CSS in order to make the text to wrap around it. But I will save your technique for the future. Thanks!


@GreenSock Exactly, I need this to work in in a responsive design. Below is a demo, basically I want to animate an svg in the center of the screen and then scale it down and translate it back to its original position. Then I want to replace the svg with a picture and display the wrap around text. I worked around some issues and was able to set the parent to position: relative, but I'm still unable to center it in a responsive manner.


See the Pen madVGZ by rflc (@rflc) on CodePen

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11 hours ago, rflc said:

Exactly, I need this to work in in a responsive design. Below is a demo, basically I want to animate an svg in the center of the screen and then scale it down and translate it back to its original position. Then I want to replace the svg with a picture and display the wrap around text. I worked around some issues and was able to set the parent to position: relative, but I'm still unable to center it in a responsive manner.



@mikel's got the right idea. There's no rule that says you have to use same element. 


Check out how I'm using 3 different elements to pull off a full screen animation here. A "from" element, a "to" element, and a clone to animate between the two elements.


See the Pen WwgQEV?editors=1010 by osublake (@osublake) on CodePen




Another option is to reparent your element. The transition is completely seamless.


See the Pen REwRpZ by osublake (@osublake) on CodePen





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