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  1. Hi there, I'm having a weird issue when trying to use ScrambleText Plugin to tween a single character, split by the SplitText plugin and searching in the forums, i found the following thread: Split Text / ScrambleText - Random Stagger, which in a comment from @Carl has the following example that i used to create this animation ( I didn't comment there as the thread is from 2015). Greensock SplitText Demo Now my problem is that while tweening the character, the tween has some "dead" time in between each character, i have tried fixing the timing using the duration of each tween, the duration of the timeline and the position of each tween in the timeline but it seems that i don't really understand how the ScrambleText Plugin really works. If anyone has any idea how i can configure this to run as if i was scrambling the text as a single word instead of each character as a regular ScrambleText Plugin tween would please, let me know. Thanks.
  2. Hello all, i'm new to gsap, i'm trying to adapt the scramble text plugin to make it as similar as possible to the one in the video i linked, only i noticed some limitations like putting the text on multiple lines and showing the finished words at the same time. Can anyone help me or recommend some other plugin? Thanks scramble.mp4
  3. Hi there, first of all, I'm not providing a codepen because the issue is related to using UMD modules with a module bundler (browserify + gulp). I'm trying to implement a very simple snippet to scramble a text upon a button click. This is very straightforward and I've done this before successfully. So I will list all the issues and things I've tried. Issue: When calling the TweenMax.to using the scrambleTextPlugin I got an Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded which is thrown multiple times. Environment: * Greensock ^2.0.2 (gsap) installed through NPM and imported through UMD version * ScrambleTextPlugin (0.5.2 - 2018-09-11) downloaded through GreenSockClub and imported through UMD version * Gulp 4.0 + with Browserify ^16.2.2 as a module bundler. What I've discovered/tried: * Importing the modules through <script> tag makes the same code work without any error * Other properties and plugins are working using the UMD version, e.g text plugin, changing colors, sizes, etc * I've implemented this before, and the same code works * I've removed all layers of my application (JS frameworks, CSS, everything) * Created a blank project to isolate the issue Full code: ```HTML <div id="test-app"></div> <button id="btn"> test </button> ``` ```javascript (function() { "use strict"; require("gsap/umd/TweenMax"); require("../../etc/libs/gsap_plugins/ScrambleTextPlugin.js"); // If I change this to the <script> import the code would work let el = document.querySelector("#test-app"); let btnEl = document.querySelector("#btn"); btnEl.addEventListener("click", function () { TweenMax.to(el, 1, { "scrambleText": { "text": "anytext" } }); }); }()); ``` When I click the button this is what happens: (screenshot attached) PS: Im trying to solve this for some days now and I'm kinda crazy by now, any insight is appreciated Regards,
  4. Hi All, I am using ScrambleTextPlugin and MorphSVGPlugin in component: import ScrambleTextPlugin from 'gsap/ScrambleTextPlugin'; import MorphSVGPlugin from 'gsap/MorphSVGPlugin'; Problem 1: The animation only happens if I console.log the versions of plugins in ngOnInit console.log(ScrambleTextPlugin.version, MorphSVGPlugin.version); Problem 2: After deploying the app to firebase, it throws TypeError: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property '_autoActivated' of undefined at Object.zUnb (main.1c91b1d089cbaf940e97.js:formatted:34594) /* In the bundled file (formatted), I found following lines related to _autoActivated : 34135: qh = Yc.f.TweenMax 34593: cp = qh 34594: cp._autoActivated = [Vh, jh, Bh, zh, ap, Uh, Yh, Yc.f.Back, lp, Yc.f.Bounce, Yc.f.RoughEase, Yc.f.SlowMo, Yc.f.SteppedEase, Yc.f.Circ, Yc.f.Expo, up, Yc.f.ExpoScaleEase]; */ This is the link to app on Firebase. The project runs fine on localhost. Typical Developer Life. gsap: ^2.0.0 firebase: ^5.0.4 angularfire2: ^5.0.0-rc.10 @angular/core: ^6.0.3
  5. Hello GSAP, is there any way that i can ease the revealDelay per character in my element? let's say if i have '39485', characters from the left will reveal faster than the characters on the right. regards, Carlos
  6. Guest

    ScrambleTextPlugin demo

    Hello I'd like to use the ScrambleTextPlugin, but I can not create a sample. Where can I find a live demo? or where can I Download the http://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/dIBbw ? Thanks in advance
  7. Hi to all, for a project we need to use the ScrambleTextPlugin with a svg text but it does not work with Internet Explorer. To get it work we changed innerHTML in TextContent, but I think you can get something better Thank for your support Jacopo
  8. Hello again, I have been going through the various plugins and I seem to have run into a problem with the scrambleTextPlugin. I'm trying to follow the instructions in the the documentation but nothing shows in the screen when I do so. I am using a main timeline to encapsulate the scrambleText timeline // MAIN CLASS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var t:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); createTextField("MAKE SOME NOISE!!!!"); t.add(AdvancedTextEffects.randomCharacters(text, 3)); t.play(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // SUB TIMELINE //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static function randomCharacters(target:TextField, time:Number):TimelineMax{ TweenPlugin.activate([ScrambleTextPlugin]); var t:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); t.from(target, time, {scrambleText:{text:"THIS IS NEW TEXT"}}); return t; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This method seems to work for just about everything else but this instance. Any help you could provide would be very appreciated. I am running this an Adobe AIR application. Thank you, Steven Lopes
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