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  1. In the attached codepen I'm trying to get the full screen image to scale down on scroll, which does work, but I can't seem to get the content below the image to sit directly below the image after the scale has happened. I've tried playing around with pinSpacing but this doesn't seem to resolve the problem. Any help is much appreciated as I've been playing around with this for what seems like hours to no avail.
  2. http://clients.super-agency.com/test/index.html Hello, I made a menu with gsap, but after clicking on a different link from this menu and going back, the menu remains open, I couldn't find a solution, can you help? Where am I doing wrong? Menu code const ham = document.querySelector(".ham"); const menu = document.querySelector('.main-menu'); const links = menu.querySelectorAll('li a'); const menulist = document.querySelectorAll('.menu-list'); var tl = gsap.timeline({ paused: true }); tl.to(menu, { duration: 1, opacity: 1, height: '100vh', ease: 'expo.inOut', width: "100%", }) tl.from(menulist, { duration: .5, opacity: 0, height: '100vh', left: '0', ease: 'expo.inOut', }, "-=0.5"); tl.from(links, { opacity: 0, duration: 1.2, ease: "power4.out", y: 320, stagger: 0.1, }, "-=0.1"); tl.reverse(); ham.addEventListener('click', () => { menuBar.reversed(!menuBar.reversed()); tl.reversed(!tl.reversed()); }); var menuBar = gsap.timeline(); menuBar.to('.bar-1', 0.5, { attr: { d: "M8,2 L2,8" }, x: 1, ease: Power2.easeInOut }, 'start') menuBar.to('.bar-2', 0.5, { autoAlpha: 0 }, 'start') menuBar.to('.bar-3', 0.5, { attr: { d: "M8,8 L2,2" }, x: 1, ease: Power2.easeInOut }, 'start') menuBar.reverse(); Menu Codepen Code https://codepen.io/r3khchand/pen/MWbJOwz
  3. Hello How can I make this image gallery like that: https://asmobius.co.jp/ I realized that is written by GSAP, but is there any similar demo for GSAP or any pieces of that Image gallery (like circle navigation or scroll navigation etc.)? Please help me to make somethings like that. Thanks in advance.
  4. Hey everyone We’re rolling up on Thanksgiving here in America, so I thought I’d say how thankful I am for this forum. You’re a terrific group of people and one AI. I’m so glad I started participating a few years ago. It’s truly been life changing. As a thank you, I’m gonna drop a couple sliders here for the community. I know there are umpteen ways to make a slider, but this is my take on it. I added multiple control types and linked the nav dots animation to the draggable element for a bit of fun. We often have questions about sliders so hopefully these will be a good jumping-off point for someone. Happy Tweensgiving
  5. http://robinmastromarino.com/ Hi I want to make a slider in this way. Could you help me with a similar project
  6. Hi guys. I made a pen with vertical scroll. What I want to achieve is a smooth scroll and and animation to start form top and end at bottom of the screen like in this example: http://ultra.studio/ Thanks in advance for your help!
  7. Hello, how do i change an effect when scrolling to next slide? I was trying to find some effect options in this codepen - http://codepen.io/bassta/pen/kDvmC but I didnt succeed. For example something similiar to this - http://www.bistroagency.cz/ They use some transitions between each slide, It kinda looks 3d. Thank you!
  8. Hi there, 1. I'm new to GSAP and was wondering if there is a demo repository (including sources) available which we can download and examine? (kinda 'best practices') 2. Is there any information on what to consider if using GSAP full-screen (responsive for mobile devices, that is)? thx andy
  9. I'm working on a site which will use like 7 slides in a kind of stair way. I was now trying to use Draggable for my navigation but I want to prevent the user to get lost. Since you can use type:x or type:y I thought I might get somewhere if I could change that type on the fly after Draggable.create. That doesn't seem to work. Maybe someone knows if that's possible or if I better can look for a solution based on a combination of tweens and scrollTo? To be clear an image attached of the layout. Every screen will cover the entire window.
  10. Hi Carl Another problem made me come back to you. My External loader is ready now and working quiet well (Thanks ). Here I am Loading an external SWF file using the SWFLoader Class. Here is the way i do: currentLoader = new SWFLoader(url,{container:videoContainer_mc,width:720,height:406,centerRegistration:true,autoPlay:false,onProgress:progressHandler,onComplete:completeHandler}); currentLoader.load(); Im trying to make the whole content FullScreen. On the other hand, i tend to design another button for making the external loaded Content FullScreen. How Can i do this separately for the main Stage and external Loaded content? Regards
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