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Found 5 results

  1. I want to create a diagonal mask between 2 images. So from a diagonal line the other image pops up. See attached image as example. The "taste/12" logo is the first image. Then the second image has to be shown starting from the center diagonal towards the edges. Is this possible with GSAP?
  2. I am trying to figure out if I can use Greensock for a page we're building. I haven't learned the library yet so the question may be "newbie-sh." What we are trying to do is a timeline page where things happen as you scroll down. Because of the way the timeline is being visually designed, it is intended to scroll diagonally, then down, then right, etc. I have seen parallax sites that scroll horizontally and vertically, but not many scroll diagonally. Is it so much harder to do? Does it create other issues? Any clarity and pointers are welcome. Thanks in advance.
  3. Am using gsap inside createjs/canvas if I have a ball, for example, tweening in diagonally, from top left to bottom right, say, with an easing bounce when it hits the bottom of the canvas, the bounce goes up and down, as I want, but also bounces backwards towards the left, when what I want in this case is for the bounce to go to the right. Is there a simple way to achieve that? Thanks
  4. Hello, I was wondering how could I limit a draggable movement only diagonally towards top-left and bottom-right. Thanks guys!
  5. Hi everybody, for a personal project I would like to build an oblique progress bar. So, my first question is: Is there a way to create dynamically and easily a Line object with Tweenmax.js? For the moment I just resize the width of a rectangle shape like this : http://jsfiddle.net/FracArt/6GJ67/2/ Which actually works! But seems a bit "hacky". Second question, as you can notice on the jsfiddle file I tried to build an oblique progress bar on the same principle. However, when I rotate the rectangle a gap appears between the initial and final position of the bar. So do you have an idea of how I can correct that without doing some geometry calculations? (maybe a transform-origin property on the css?)
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