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  1. hey i want to convert this scrollTo examlpe into the vue syntax but i don't know how..please cloud anyone help?
  2. hey guys i'm working on an page and want to integrate the scrollTo plugin in the navbar. It's all vue single file components and i dont know how i should write it. For code pen it's to many components. Example: i want to scroll to an text group which div is named id="wearedifferent". in the navbar file it is this in the script tag: <script> import { Vue, Component } from 'vue-property-decorator'; import { TweenLite } from 'gsap'; @Component({}) export default class Navbar extends Vue { mounted() { this.scrollTo(); } destroyed() { window.removeEventListener('scrollTo', this.scrollTo()); } scrollTo() { window.addEventListener('scrollTo', () => { TweenLite.to(this.$refs.weAreDifferent, 1, { scrollTo: '#wearedifferent' }); }); } } </script> thats in the template section: <b-navbar-nav> <b-nav-item @click="scrollTo()">Wir sind anders</b-nav-item> <b-nav-item href="#">Jobs</b-nav-item> <b-nav-item href="#benefits">Benefits</b-nav-item> <b-nav-item href="#">Social</b-nav-item> </b-navbar-nav> first i tried it with href, but its not so smooth like scollTo. could anyone help me?
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