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  1. Hi there, First post here! I'm working on a React/Gatsby app which references this tutorial. I've solved most of the issues except for the following error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'easeOut' of undefined I've tried a bunch of variations of imports destructuring etc but Quad is never defined. My code is as follows: import React, { Component } from "react" import Layout from "../components/layout" import SEO from "../components/seo" import { TweenMax, Quad, Sine, Back } from "gsap/TweenMax" const prettyLetter = require( 'pretty-letters' ) export default class IndexPage extends Component { componentDidMount() { var options = { groupClass: 'char-group-', groupTag: 'span' } prettyLetter('a', options) const lineEq = (y2, y1, x2, x1, currentVal) => { // y = mx + b var m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1), b = y1 - m * x1 return m * currentVal + b } const lerp = (a,b,n) => (1 - n) * a + n * b const distance = (x1,x2,y1,y2) => { var a = x1 - x2 var b = y1 - y2 return Math.hypot(a,b) } const getMousePos = (e) => { let posx = 0 let posy = 0 if (!e) e = window.event if (e.pageX || e.pageY) { posx = e.pageX posy = e.pageY } else if (e.clientX || e.clientY) { posx = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft posy = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop } return { x : posx, y : posy } } let winsize; const calcWinsize = () => winsize = {width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight} calcWinsize() window.addEventListener('resize', calcWinsize) // The feDisplacementMap element const feDisplacementMapEl = document.querySelector('feDisplacementMap') class Menu { constructor() { this.DOM = { svg: document.querySelector('svg.distort'), menu: document.querySelector('nav.menu') } // The images (one per menu link) this.DOM.imgs = Array.from(Object.assign.apply(Object, [this.DOM.svg.querySelectorAll('g > image')])) // The menu links this.DOM.menuLinks = Array.from(Object.assign.apply(Object, [this.DOM.menu.querySelectorAll('.menu__link')])) // Mouse position this.mousePos = {x: winsize.width/2, y: winsize.height/2} // Last mouse positions (one to consider for the image translation movement, another for the scale value of the feDisplacementMap element) this.lastMousePos = { translation: {x: winsize.width/2, y: winsize.height/2}, displacement: {x: 0, y: 0} } // feDisplacementMap scale value this.dmScale = 0 // Current menu link position this.current = -1 this.initEvents() requestAnimationFrame(() => this.render()) } initEvents() { // Update mouse position window.addEventListener('mousemove', ev => this.mousePos = getMousePos(ev)) this.DOM.menuLinks.forEach((item, pos) => { const letters = Array.from(Object.assign.apply(Object, [item.querySelectorAll('span')])) const mouseenterFn = () => { // Hide the previous menu image if (this.current !== -1) { TweenMax.set(this.DOM.imgs[this.current], { opacity: 0 }); } // Update current this.current = pos // Now fade in the new image if we are entering the menu or just set the new image's opacity to 1 if switching between menu items if (this.fade) { TweenMax.to(this.DOM.imgs[this.current], 0.5, { ease: Quad.easeOut, opacity: 1 }) this.fade = false } else { TweenMax.set(this.DOM.imgs[this.current], { opacity: 1 }) } // Letters effect TweenMax.staggerTo(letters, 0.2, { ease: Sine.easeInOut, y: this.lastMousePos.translation.y < this.mousePos.y ? 30 : -30, startAt: {opacity: 1, y: 0}, opacity: 0, yoyo: true, yoyoEase: Back.easeOut, repeat: 1, stagger: { grid: [1,letters.length-1], from: 'center', amount: 0.12 } }) } item.addEventListener('mouseenter', mouseenterFn) }) const mousemenuenterFn = () => this.fade = true const mousemenuleaveFn = () => TweenMax.to(this.DOM.imgs[this.current], .2, { ease: Quad.easeOut, opacity: 0 }) this.DOM.menu.addEventListener('mouseenter', mousemenuenterFn) this.DOM.menu.addEventListener('mouseleave', mousemenuleaveFn) } render() { // Translate the image on mousemove this.lastMousePos.translation.x = lerp(this.lastMousePos.translation.x, this.mousePos.x, 0.2) this.lastMousePos.translation.y = lerp(this.lastMousePos.translation.y, this.mousePos.y, 0.2) this.DOM.svg.style.transform = `translateX(${(this.lastMousePos.translation.x-winsize.width/2)}px) translateY(${this.lastMousePos.translation.y-winsize.height/2}px)` // Scale goes from 0 to 50 for mouseDistance values between 0 to 140 this.lastMousePos.displacement.x = lerp(this.lastMousePos.displacement.x, this.mousePos.x, 0.1) this.lastMousePos.displacement.y = lerp(this.lastMousePos.displacement.y, this.mousePos.y, 0.1) const mouseDistance = distance(this.lastMousePos.displacement.x, this.mousePos.x, this.lastMousePos.displacement.y, this.mousePos.y) this.dmScale = Math.min(lineEq(50, 0, 140, 0, mouseDistance), 50) feDisplacementMapEl.scale.baseVal = this.dmScale requestAnimationFrame(() => this.render()) } } new Menu() } render() { return ( <Layout> <SEO title="Home" keywords={[`Artist`, `Brisbane-based`, `drawing`, `painting`, `watercolour`, `sculpture`, `installation`, `video`, `embroidery`]} /> <div style={{ paddingBottom: 100 }}> <svg className="distort" width="350" height="450" viewBox="0 0 350 450"> <filter id="distortionFilter"> <feTurbulence type="turbulence" baseFrequency="0.07 0.01" numOctaves="5" seed="2" stitchTiles="stitch" x="0%" y="0%" width="100%" height="100%" result="noise"/> <feDisplacementMap in="SourceGraphic" in2="noise" scale="0" xChannelSelector="R" yChannelSelector="B" x="0%" y="0%" width="100%" height="100%" filterUnits="userSpaceOnUse"/> </filter> <g filter="url(#distortionFilter)"> <image className="distort__img" x="50" y="50" xlinkHref={require('../images/1.jpg')} height="350" width="250"/> <image className="distort__img" x="50" y="50" xlinkHref={require('../images/2.jpg')} height="350" width="250"/> </g> </svg> <nav className="menu"> <a href="#" className="menu__link">Shanghai</a> <a href="#" className="menu__link">Taipei</a> <a href="#" className="menu__link">Bangkok</a> <a href="#" className="menu__link">Kyoto</a> </nav> </div> </Layout> ) } }
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