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Everything posted by kidaww

  1. i tried it on touch panel today. Still doesnt start moving on Y axis. If i remove type: 'x' on rectangle draggable it works fine, but i need this type x)
  2. Hi! Thx you for codepen example, i worked with 'touch' draggable with Chrome Devtools 'Toggle Device Toolbar'. With mouse all works fine..
  3. Draggable.create(".poly", { bounds:"svg", onDragEnd(e) { //... } }); Draggable.create('.rect', { type: 'x', onDrag(e) { //... }, onDragEnd(e) { //... } }) <svg width="1920px" height="1080px" class="assemble__svg"> <defs> <pattern id="img1" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse" width="2771" height="520"> <image preserveAspectRatio="none" xlink:href="../assets/linen.png" x="0" y="0" width="2771" height="520" /> </pattern> </defs> <polygon class="rect" ref="drag" id="rect" index="0" points="-2300 562, 471 562, 471 1002, -2300 1002" fill="url(#img1)"/> <g class="poly-group" :class="{ active: stages.second }"> <polygon class="poly" :class="{ active: isValid(1) }" id="poly-1" index="1" points="200,10 250,190 160,210" style="fill:lime;stroke:purple;stroke-width:1" /> <polygon class="poly" :class="{ active: isValid(2) }" id="poly-2" index="2" points="320,110 400,310 270,350 223,334" style="fill:lime;stroke:purple;stroke-width:1" /> </g> <image xlink:href="../assets/fake_wood.png" x="0" y="500" height="566" width="122" /> <image xlink:href="../assets/linen-box.png" x="50" y="515" height="533" width="256" /> </svg> All my '.poly' elements cant move vertically, until i move it horizontally... What's wrong?
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