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Wakeel Zaki

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  1. How do we use the typewriter effect in vue gridsome. Thank you.
  2. Thank you so much for your help. Have a nice day!
  3. Yes that is it! That was the issue. Thank you.
  4. I am using your code from here: https://codesandbox.io/s/l261n378km The only difference i see is that I am using Vuetify and in your code I guess you are using bootstrap. Also now I notice you are also using scrambletextplugin ... do i also have to use that ..installing gsap alone won't do?
  5. ok, How do I check that. Guide please.
  6. Ok I copied all the code and replicated on the app.vue file. ok so the logo is rotating and working fine ... but the scrambleText is throwing the error: invalid scrambleText tween value: [object Object] CSSPlugin.js:99
  7. Thanks for the reply, I have checked and tried them all .. no luck yet.
  8. Thanks, I am not sure what I am doing wrong .. There error it is showing me is: --- CONSOLE -- [Vue warn]: Error in mounted hook: "Cannot tween a null target." found in ---> <SHeader> at src/components/sHeader.vue <VContent> <VApp> <App> at src/App.vue <Root> vue.runtime.esm.js:619 Cannot tween a null target. -- I have imported all from gsap in the main.js file. <script> export default { mounted() { const { lawn2019 } = this.$refs // // eslint-disable-next-line const tl = new TweenLite() tl.to(lawn2019, 3, {scrambleText:"THIS IS NEW TEXT"}); } } </script>
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