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  1. Yes I used that representation for illustration purposes. I'm supplying values from 0 to 1 and viceversa when scrolling back. This is what I got so far: var animate = (function(){ // Scene one var one = function(pct, rwd) { let tl = new TimelineMax({paused: true}); if (rwd) tl.reverse(pct); tl.to('#hand', 2, {opacity: 0}) .set('#ip', {attr:{mask: ""}}, 1.5); tl.progress(pct); } // Scene two var two = function(pct, fwd){ let tl = new TimelineMax({paused: true}); } // Scene three var three = function(pct, fwd){ let tl = new TimelineMax({paused: true}); } // Scene Four var four = function(ptc, fwd){ let tl = new TimelineMax({paused: true}); } var arr = [one, two, three, four]; return arr; })(); var play = (function(){ // closure scope let length; let lastY = null; let i = 0; //function called by the event listener return function(e){ let frame = scene[i].getBoundingClientRect(); let cam = camera[i].getBoundingClientRect(); length = cam.height - window.innerHeight; // Determine scroll direction if (lastY < window.pageYOffset) { if (frame.top >= 0 && frame.bottom <= window.innerHeight) { // Get camera scroll percentage let pct = ((cam.top / length) * -1).toFixed(2); animate[i](pct, 0); } else if (frame.bottom < 0) { i++; } } else { if (frame.top <= 0 && frame.bottom <= window.innerHeight) { let pct = ((cam.top / length) * -1).toFixed(2); animate[i](pct, 1); } else if (frame.top > window.innerHeight && (i > 0)) { i--; } } lastY = window.pageYOffset; } })();
  2. Hello. I'm stuck tryin to reverse a timeline controlled by page scrolling. I'm calling a function with tl.progress(%) everytime the scroll event fires, but when I apply tl.reverse() and tl.progress(%) or simply tl.progress( decreasing %) nothing happens. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
  3. rflc

    Reposition after scale

    @mikel That's a great, concise example and I learned quite a lot from it. Thank you. @OSUblake Wow thanks for the different examples. That Bezier example is impressive. Really big thanks for your help.
  4. rflc

    Reposition after scale

    Hi guys, sorry it is taken me this long. @mikel That's a very clever way to center elements. I need to translate to the center after the element is positioned with CSS in order to make the text to wrap around it. But I will save your technique for the future. Thanks! @GreenSock Exactly, I need this to work in in a responsive design. Below is a demo, basically I want to animate an svg in the center of the screen and then scale it down and translate it back to its original position. Then I want to replace the svg with a picture and display the wrap around text. I worked around some issues and was able to set the parent to position: relative, but I'm still unable to center it in a responsive manner.
  5. rflc

    Reposition after scale

    @GreenSock Thank you so much. I actually have a related question, how can I re-position an element without position:relative to the center of the screen? I had to position the element with only margins to float text around its initial (final) position. When I try: TweenMax.set('#myElement', {left:"50%", top:"50%", yPercent:-50, xPercent:-50}); It actually moves the element to its top left (off screen)
  6. Hi, this is my first post, and as such, this is a noob question. How can I reset an object's position to the top left corner of its parent after it has been scaled? Edit: I was abled to solve it, I just needed to reset the transformOrigin property to the top left of the object.
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