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Posts posted by Guido

  1. Hello,


    I've got a litle problem when trying to change/set the rotation of a svg on Apple devices.

    As you can see in the codepen I've set the rotation of `#progress` to -90 which should set the starting point at the top.


    Somehow the Apple devices don't seem to respect the rotation because it jumps right back to the default value when I try to change with the code below.

    var tl = new TimelineMax();
    tl.to('#progress', 1, { rotation: -180 });


    I've got this reproducable on:

    - macOs Sierra 10.2.6 using Safari 11.0.2, Chrome is working fine here

    - iPhone 8 & iPhone6 using Safari & Chrome

    - iPad 3 using Safari & chome


    Everything works fine in Windows and Ubuntu.


    Hope you can help me out :)


    See the Pen goMWOp by exploretheworld (@exploretheworld) on CodePen

  2. Hello,


    I've got a weird problem with my code.

    I got a draggable element which is divided in 8 steps (each 45 degrees).

    When I am at 270 degrees and want to turn it 45 degrees (to 315 degrees) it jumps straight to the max which is 360 degrees.

    Sometimes it also happens at a random degree but it is very good reproducable with the 270 degrees to 315.


    I am using:

     - TweenMax

    - TimelineMax

    - CustomEase

    - Draggable

    - DrawSVG

    - ThrowProps


    Using Chrome 61.0.3163.100 on Ubuntu but got it reproducable on firefox (Ubuntu & window 10) and IE (windows 10).


    I hope someone can help me :)

    See the Pen goMWOp by exploretheworld (@exploretheworld) on CodePen

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