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  1. Thanks Petr, really appreciated and look forward to it!
  2. Thanks. I have seen some but from what I gathered none looked like they were "universal" and were being setup on a per scene basis.
  3. Hey all! I'm VERY new to GSAP and ScrollMagic but now using both in some capacity. I was wondering if anyone can help me as I want to create a universal ScrollMagic function/controller to then trigger my already created GSAP animations at the correct point on scroll. I'm really hoping this can be done so I can maybe include a class (like 'animate-me') in the HTML which then triggers the animation when scrolling past. A lot of this will be content managed to it need to flexible. I've done this in the past using the more simple WOW.js, obviously not with GSAP though. Cheers, Richard
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