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  1. I was just over reading touch events on W3School. I got it thanks. All good points about trying to figure out how users work. I too am thinking of giving up on hover. I am just working on my first project in years, I have been mostly in 3D modelling land for the last decade and last time with animation was with a 16mm camera haha! Thanks again, I am off searching.
  2. I know, I am converting my hover to "Checkbox Hack" in CSS only dropdowns. So I can use a touch event in Greensock? I have been searching, but looks like not hard enough LOL. Thank you, Craig, I will investigate further. Do you have any dropdowns using Greensock?
  3. Hi, Just starting with Greenock and I forked this old menu which I really like. What would be easiest to make this hover work, not necessarily the same way, on a touch device? Does anyone have a simple way to do a dropdown menu with Greensock for touch? Thanks all, Randy
  4. Thanks PointC, thats cool. Now to study the code a little. Is there a way to tell the rotation to spin clockwise or counter clockwise? just add a - negative in the rotation amount. Duh! Just getting in from my after work commute, so it will take me a bit to look closely. Thanks again!
  5. Thanks just forked that myself. Something like this is helpful to learn. I also just bought the NobleDesktop GSAP workbook. It is sometimes better to see live examples that sort of match what I have in my head. Cheers!
  6. I have this SVG, see codepen link. I would like it to start as a small white dot and it expand into the 3 coloured arcs. So scale up and rotate into final position. First, if i just want it to rotate x amount of times, how would i do that? Then I guess there is the scaling, it could just be minuscule arcs instead of a period. Thinking out loud. There will be additional components to this loader page like text coming in etc.. Just finishing up the pen & paper storyboard. Any advice is very welcomed. Thanks, Randy
  7. I was having issues with the arcs going off the page when rotating. I finally just changed the viewBox in the SVG. So would it be better to let GSAP do this? Also for scaling? http://codepen.io/RhinoRudi/pen/eZmzKM?editors=1100 Thanks
  8. Thanks, just getting back. Looking now and changing display to visibility . That's OK Dipscom, we all do it. Thanks Carl, I know I will be enjoying this. Waiting for this coming Friday, pay day. That means I can get a membership, yes!
  9. Thanks Dipscom, not sure how to link to someone here. I mostly use Discourse at work, not that it matters. I was looking at labels in the timeline videos on the Greenock site. thanks. I was looking at thread here on opacity, this past weekend, and for some reason I used that option. I think it was to start to get used to some GSAP attributes. The css way makes sense, thanks. The easing out just got left in from something else. Duh So the last bit of JS would go at the start of my Codeine JS? And that would go to an external file, loaded in the head, correct? Thanks, off for a bit and then some more practise later.
  10. RhinoRudi

    Timeline advice

    Hi All, My first post, I have not been lurking too long. A simple fade in animation of the company logo I work for. I am basically asking if my code is correct and anyways to make it better, if not. Any advice on better ways to do this. If I wanted to put this on a live site, how would I go about it? The CodePen js to an external file? The Greensock library loaded in the head or at end of body. Just getting back into web coding (HTML & CSS is mostly what I know, not much JS). I have another Illustrator fill with the eye blinking, 3 AI sub-layers showing the 3 open to closed states. I will try to add that to this once I am comfortable with the current workflow. Thanks, Randy
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