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  1. Hey folks, either I´m blind or there is no answer yet to my question: I would like animations only to happen once when scrolling in, but when scrolling out (backwards, so the trigger is active again) and then scroll in again I dont want the animation to reverse and run again. So long story short: the animation should only be triggered once and then the animated elements should stay where they are forever indepently of scrolling back:) I found only this http://greensock.com/forums/topic/7832-disable-reverse/ but it seems not to be up to date anymore. Is there a simple way to achieve this? Or do I have to remove the listener by hand, once the animation finished? The snippet shows that the "false" parameter doesn´t help here (just in case here without false parameter: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/zrJVLQ )... Thanks in advance for any possible help. Somehow I feel this should be very easy to achieve, but I didn´t manage to make it work.. Greetings, Paul
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