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Everything posted by JoeC

  1. Edit: I was having a problem Googling the right words onCompleteParams: ["param1", 2] solves the following problem too: Thanks for this, but I also need to add some parameters too, I should have added that to the original post, sorry. Is there a way to do the following: onComplete: exampleCallback("Example String", 1)
  2. Hello, I've set up a timeline which has several nested animations within it. On one of the nested animations I'd like to fire an onComplete callback function so that I can change a bit of code. The problem is, the onComplete function triggers as soon as the animation begins, rather than after it. I've attached the code so you can see what I mean: function playScene1() { var tl = new TimelineLite(); tl.to(hand, .6, { x: "-= 100%", y: "+= 0%", repeat: 1, yoyo: true, repeatDelay: 0, ease: Power1.easeInOut }, 0); tl.to(globe, .6, { x: "+= 160%", y: "+= 0%", repeat: 0, yoyo: false, repeatDelay: 0, delay: .6, ease: Power1.easeInOut }, 0); tl.to(hand, .6, { x: "-= 100%", y: "+= 0%", repeat: 1, yoyo: true, repeatDelay: 0, ease: Power1.easeInOut }, 1.2); tl.to(globe, .6, { x: "-= 160%", y: "+= 0%", repeat: 0, yoyo: false, repeatDelay: 0, delay: .6, ease: Power1.easeInOut, onComplete: exampleCallback() }, 1.2); tl.play(); } exampleCallback() is fired as soon as the timeline begins, I'd like to inject my own function after it's finished animating. Sorry if I've missed something very simple here
  3. Okay, figured this one out. Turns out you can't remove the EventListener for EnterFrame, it effectively removes the functionality of greensock, hope this helps someone else!
  4. Hello. One of my functions doesn't appear to be triggering when I call onComplete. I've looked over the syntax loads, and I've tried a few different things, but 'removeFromStage' just isn't being called no matter what. I've also tried downloading in the latest swc, am I missing something completely obvious? private function bombExplode():void{ TweenLite.to(bomb_MC, 1, {y:100, onComplete:removeFromStage}); } private function removeFromStage():void{ trace("function triggered") }
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