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PointC last won the day on April 20

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Everything posted by PointC

  1. hmmm... that's a bit different than the first post was describing. I don't see any morph nor is the path changing during the animation. You could certainly do some calculations to drop the arrowheads into the correct positions, but since you're a Club member, I'd probably use DrawSVG and the MotionPath plugin together to get to the most flexible solution. Happy tweening.
  2. x & y are attributes as well as CSS properties. Unless you put the y:250 in the attribute wrapper, GSAP will assume you want to animate the transform (translateY) which is what was happening in your demo. You wanted all the <rect> elements stacked on top of each other so you wanted to target the y attribute of the rectangles. It can be a little confusing with the overlap between properties and attributes. Bottom line, if you want to target a specific attribute, use the attr:{} wrapper. I'm not sure what you mean here. It could be as simple as setting up a repeat of 1 and yoyo:true. It would depend on the desired outcome. Happy tweening.
  3. Sounds like you're trying target the y attribute. Please give this a try: gsap.to(".bars", { attr: { y: 250 } }); Happy tweening.
  4. I'm pretty lazy so I think I'd approach this a bit differently. Using a small gap in the grid and a colored background div, you can fake the line drawing and all the calculations are taken care of by the CSS grid itself. https://codepen.io/PointC/pen/GRYmZmv It has some limitations and the top and bottom borders "pop" on, but that could easily be fixed by animating them separately. Just my two cents. YMMV. Happy tweening.
  5. That thread was just to show you how to animate along a path that is changing during the animation as that's the tricky bit of what you're trying to do. Morphing a target object as it follows the motion path is fairly straight forward. Plop your morph elements into a group and have the group follow the motion path. Then you just need a separate tween on the timeline to handle the actual morph. Basic example. https://codepen.io/PointC/pen/ExdmaRr Happy tweening.
  6. Sure, you can do all that with GSAP. I think this thread could help you. Happy tweening.
  7. Yeah, I'd need to see a demo to offer any help. Just FYI - SVG clip-paths or masks work well for the invert effect, but you can also use CSS variables without a duplicate element like this demo. Just another option. https://codepen.io/PointC/pen/ZErvbPR
  8. Please give this a whirl: gsap.to( {}, { duration: 0.5, onUpdate: function () { console.log(this.progress()); } } ); Happy tweening.
  9. Stops by again and whispers *be lazy. use the MotionPath plugin*. Get your work done quickly and go for pizza. ?. YMMV.
  10. Wow - is that @Shaun Gorneau dropping by with knowledge? Probably needed to dust off the old GS Mod Badge.
  11. A couple similar demos from my archive that may be helpful. https://codepen.io/PointC/pen/ExVzqdm https://codepen.io/PointC/pen/pojmBKJ Happy tweening.
  12. Hi @tilohi8071 Welcome to the forum. If I understand your desired outcome correctly, I'd tap into random and repeatRefresh like this: https://codepen.io/PointC/pen/JjmdvgQ/eeadbc4fec40ac5924627de100a06d19 Hopefully that helps and welcome aboard.
  13. Your filter is applied to a parent div → .header-wrap2, but you're animating it to a blur of 0 on the child div with an ID of cattle. Target the parent and use px after the zero and you should be good to go. .to(".header-wrap2", {'filter': 'blur(0px)', duration: 1}); Happy tweening.
  14. PointC

    Hover on buttons

    Switch your buttons to inline-grid and make sure you're selecting the actual span and you'll be good to go. https://codepen.io/PointC/pen/eYPOabg/e1b1174eaaf3a0f188ea8896a7c19127 Happy tweening.
  15. Not sure if it'll help, but here are a couple of my old seamless demos using SVG. https://codepen.io/PointC/pen/wvpObWa https://codepen.io/PointC/pen/eYyKMWK/52ac38788ccdd84fc1eeaa3fcc9afa9e Happy tweening.
  16. Name the group and target that instead of the SVG itself. Use insertAdjacentElement() to place it at the beginning or end of the stacking order. Here's a quick fork of my demo from above with that change. https://codepen.io/PointC/pen/abRoZeg/ddabccb18ac315841327a88a7a5c338c?editors=1010
  17. I'm not sure I follow. Are you talking about groups? If so, you can append to the group just like appending to the parent SVG. You could also look at insertAdjacentElement() https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/insertAdjacentElement
  18. From what you're describing, I think creating one timeline and animating the timeScale would be the way to go. Basic example. https://codepen.io/PointC/pen/ExgExxL Happy tweening.
  19. Basic append to SVG element. https://codepen.io/PointC/pen/yLebyKv/48362b3142b2341213984f4b560b6c37 Happy tweening.
  20. I'd recommend CSS variables to handle animating pseudo elements. Here's a basic example. https://codepen.io/PointC/pen/rNpXXWq Happy tweening.
  21. This thread would probably be helpful for you:
  22. ahh... yes. I misunderstood the question. Sorry about that. I think I'd wire it up just like @Rodrigo showed in his answer. Happy dragging.
  23. I think you're looking for this in your console log: scScrubDragger.deltaX: ${this.x} Happy dragging.
  24. I'm kinda late to the party, but - yep I'd go with @Cassie's approach of a thin and thick "mask" element. Otherwise you'd need to break it into pieces like my calligraphy tutorial you mentioned in the original post. https://codepen.io/PointC/pen/xxZejqM/c80d6e828e061b0615a441228616fcbb Happy tweening.
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