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  1. Makes sense, I'll have to dig around videoTime a bit. The only issue with bitmap screen grab is that I actually need to load a very high res image in place of the paused frame. I'll see what I can find. Thanks as always, Carl!
  2. Hello! I am looking for a way to have VideoLoader call a corresponding image frame on pause. So, let's say I have VideoLoader playing an f4v video at 30fps and I would have a folder with jpg frames saved out in matching 30 fps sequence. For example, how could I go about coding pause returns matching frame? Say, on frame 120 of f4v and show 120.jpg? Hope this idea makes sense...
  3. Hello! Does VideoLoader have a setting to call a function when video playback reaches the end of a video? I'm sure it does because it's AWESOME, but my instruction reading skills are not. Any help? Thanks!
  4. Ah, good find! Still didn't fix the problem though.
  5. Thanks Jack, I messaged you a link to the dev site. The code in question is in js/panels.js
  6. Still stops after the first loop if I remove them. I'm using jQuery show/hide because of the way the page is structured. The div's replace each other.
  7. Thanks for the help, Jack! I tried this and the loop still stops once when I send it back to fadeOne again. function fadeOne() { TweenLite.to(a1, 2, {css:{opacity:0},delay:4, ease:Expo.easeOut, onComplete:two, onCompleteScope:this}); } function two() { $("#a1").hide(); $("#b1").show(); var b1 = document.getElementById("b1"); TweenLite.from(b1, 2, {css:{opacity:0},delay:.5, ease:Expo.easeOut}); var b2 = document.getElementById("b2"); TweenLite.from(b2, 3, {css:{opacity:0,},delay:.7, ease:Expo.easeOut}); var b4 = document.getElementById("b4"); TweenLite.from(b4, 1, {css:{opacity:0, scale:0,left:"-440px"},delay:1.3, ease:Expo.easeOut, onComplete:fadeTwo, onCompleteScope:this}); } function fadeTwo() { TweenLite.to(b1, 2, {css:{opacity:0},delay:4, ease:Expo.easeOut, onComplete:one, onCompleteScope:this}); } function one() { $("#b1").hide(); $("#a1").show(); var a1 = document.getElementById("a1"); TweenLite.from(a1, 2, {css:{opacity:0},delay:.5, ease:Expo.easeOut}); var a2 = document.getElementById("a2"); TweenLite.from(a2, 3, {css:{opacity:0,},delay:.7, ease:Expo.easeOut}); var a4 = document.getElementById("a4"); TweenLite.from(a4, 1, {css:{opacity:0, scale:0,left:"-440px"},delay:1.3, ease:Expo.easeOut, onComplete:fadeOne, onCompleteScope:this}); }
  8. Hello, I had this idea to use onComplete on a delayed function to create kind of a looping effect, but it appears that once I call a function from onComplete more than once, it stops. I suppose my idea isn't possible this way? function fadeOne() { TweenLite.to(a1, 2, {css:{opacity:0},delay:4, ease:Expo.easeOut, onComplete:two}); } function two() { $("#a1").hide(); $("#b1").show(); var b1 = document.getElementById("b1"); TweenLite.from(b1, 2, {css:{opacity:0},delay:.5, ease:Expo.easeOut}); var b2 = document.getElementById("b2"); TweenLite.from(b2, 3, {css:{opacity:0,},delay:.7, ease:Expo.easeOut}); var b4 = document.getElementById("b4"); TweenLite.from(b4, 1, {css:{opacity:0, scale:0,left:"-440px"},delay:1.3, ease:Expo.easeOut, onComplete:fadeTwo}); } function fadeTwo() { TweenLite.to(b1, 2, {css:{opacity:0},delay:4, ease:Expo.easeOut, onComplete:one}); } function one() { $("#b1").hide(); $("#a1").show(); var a1 = document.getElementById("a1"); TweenLite.from(a1, 2, {css:{opacity:0},delay:.5, ease:Expo.easeOut}); var a2 = document.getElementById("a2"); TweenLite.from(a2, 3, {css:{opacity:0,},delay:.7, ease:Expo.easeOut}); var a4 = document.getElementById("a4"); TweenLite.from(a4, 1, {css:{opacity:0, scale:0,left:"-440px"},delay:1.3, ease:Expo.easeOut, onComplete:fadeOne}); }
  9. Hi Carl, Yes, that is exactly why. I'd like to be able to load a hi-res jpg dynamically of the currently paused VideoLoader frame. Does VideoLoader have any feature to track frame count/current frame? Maybe it's something that could be done by time? That would be 24-30 frames in each second though... I'm only intermediate with AS3 and newer to Greensock, but I'd assume we would code something like: function onPause(e:LoaderEvent):void { if (currentFrame=="_____") { currentImage = new ImageLoader("_____", {...}); currentImage.load(); setChildIndex(currentImage.content, 1); } } function onResume():void { TweenLite.to(currentImage.content), 1, {autoAlpha:0, onComplete:onPlay}); } function onPlay():void { myVideo.playVideo(); currentImage.dispose(); } Just as a basic idea. I clearly don't quite grasp the logic yet. How do we match up the "_____" in my example? Maybe set up some kind of array and reference an XML file? As a specific example, I'd like to achieve something similar to: www.onlybecausewecan.com
  10. Hi again! Tonight's challenge - Let's say I have VideoLoader playing along and I also have an asset folder with a still frame for each and every frame of said video. How would I go about setting up my code so that when the video is paused, the current frame is read and the matching still frame is loaded? The only methods I can think of involve embedding the video in the SWF, which would be too large. I'm hoping there is a way to leverage VideoLoader to do this. Also, there could potentially be 6000 jpg stills, I'd need a way to short-hand the code. Any ideas or suggestions on something like this? Thanks!!!
  11. Figured this one out... by embracing TweenLite, of course! TweenLite.to(mainVideo.content, 0, {alpha:0}); ... TweenLite.to(mainVideo.content, 0, {alpha:1});
  12. Sorry for all the questions...just trying to learn! So, now I am attempting to set VideoLoader visibility true/false. mainVideo = new VideoLoader("path", { name:"mainVideo", container:this, bgColor:0x000000, scaleMode:"proportionalInside", autoPlay:true} ); mainVideo.visible = false; Obviously, it's not working: Cannot create property visible on com.greensock.loading.VideoLoader How does one utilize a similar visibility feature with VideoLoader?
  13. Hi Carl, I have the resume(); function and the onPlay() function because the SWFLoader only appears when the video is paused at a certain cue point. When it's paused without the SWFLoader, onPlay(); works just fine, but once I load the SWF, I have a separate function resume() to try and clear the SWF and then get us back to the video again. Everytime the video is paused, the bgaudio plays, so I'm calling bgAudio.dispose() anytime the video is "un-paused". Again, this all works until the SWF is loaded, then I'm not sure how to remove it. Would that normally be dispose like any other loader?
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