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About kakarlus

  • Birthday 01/14/1986

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  1. Hi Jack, it's gotten worse when i updated the Draggable from 0.15.1 to 0.16.2. for the newer version; if i scroll down the page, the carousel goes one carousel item back. Unfortunately i can't share the test link publicly. Regards, Carlos
  2. Hello, I'm having problems scrolling vertically on mobile because of a carousel made from a Draggable. Can the draggable totally ignore 'y' drags for the page to scroll normally? Regards, Carlos
  3. Hello Guys, Seems impossible but i don't want to populate my html file with a lot of svg elements :/ I am referencing my svg files using this code so i won't see a lot in my .html file. <img src="mySVG.svg" id="mySVG" /> Would it be possible to animate the objects inside that svg file? Regards, Carlos
  4. #1 is a very clever solution PointC salute!
  5. Hello PointC, i was hoping to achieve something like this http://codepen.io/kakarlus/pen/rLEvAB?editors=1010 the outer radius grows outside while the inside radius remains put, or at least not budge a lot regards, Carlos
  6. Hello Carl & PointC oh ok i get it now thank you any work around for this? Regards, Carlos
  7. Hi GSAP, I'm trying to animate a circle svg to have a thicker stroke grow outside while using drawSVG and playing with the radius. After animation the drawSVG is not working as expected, instead, it drew an arc less than 50% of the circle svg: <circle fill="none" id="lingin" stroke="#444444" stroke-width="0" stroke-miterlimit="10" cx="150" cy="125" r="100"/> js: TweenMax.to('#lingin', 3, {strokeWidth: 40, attr: {r: 120}, drawSVG: '0% 50%'}); Regards, Carlos
  8. Hello GS, I have an stroke arc from 12o'clock to 6o'clock, when i tried animating it on using drawSVG plugin, it runs from 12o'clock to 6'oclock (ccw). Is there a way to reverse it to run from 6o'clock to 12o'clock? Regards, Carlos
  9. i get it now, but still working on the algorithm. thanks a lot OSUblake
  10. I thought the onUpdate updates according to the ease. 0 1 | | | | || (i was expecting this) |||||||||||||||||||||||||| (when it was really like this)
  11. Hello OSUblake, Here's what's closer to what i wanted to achieve and i thought ScrambleTextPlugin would've done the job http://codepen.io/anon/pen/YwqKOM I still want the end part of the animation to easeOut and go slower as it nears the target number. Regards, Carlos
  12. Hello GSAP, is there any way that i can ease the revealDelay per character in my element? let's say if i have '39485', characters from the left will reveal faster than the characters on the right. regards, Carlos
  13. i see, it makes sense. poor algorithm sorry thanks both
  14. Hello, I have this SplitText on my text which is a link basically. Sadly it triggers multiple times. Any help is appreciated. $(".info a").on({ mouseenter: function(e) { trace("mouseover"); e.preventDefault(); var tl = new TimelineMax, mySplitText = new SplitText($(this), {type:"chars"}), chars = mySplitText.chars; tl.staggerFromTo(chars, .03, {color:"#ffffff"}, {color:"#e6aa06"}, 0.03); tl.staggerTo(chars, .03, {color:"#ffffff"}, 0.03); }, mouseleave: function(e) { trace("mouseout"); e.preventDefault(); var tl = new TimelineMax, mySplitText = new SplitText($(this), {type:"chars"}), chars = mySplitText.chars; tl.staggerFromTo(chars, .03, {color:"#ffffff"}, {color:"#e6aa06"}, 0.03); tl.staggerTo(chars, .03, {color:"#ffffff"}, 0.03); } }); thanks, Carlos
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