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Just like we've just seen with staggers, It's common to animate more than one thing. But what if we need more control over the order and timing of those animations?

A lot of people reach for delays, and they're not wrong, delays do give us rudimentary control:


But this method of sequencing animations is a little fragile. What happens if we lengthen the duration of the first tween? The second and third tweens have no awareness of this change, so now there's an overlap - we'd have to increase all of the delays to keep them synchronized. If you've animated with CSS you will have run into this problem before!

Frustrating? Yep. That's why we created timelines!



Timelines are the key to creating easily adjustable, resilient sequences of animations. When you add tweens to a timeline, by default they'll play one-after-another in the order they were added.


// create a timeline
let tl = gsap.timeline()

// add the tweens to the timeline - Note we're using not".green", { x: 600, duration: 2 });".purple", { x: 600, duration: 1 });".orange", { x: 600, duration: 1 });

But what if we want to add a gap or delay in between some of the tweens? One option would be to add a delay to a tween to offset it 's start time. But this isn't hugely flexible. What if we want tweens to overlap or start at the same time?


let tl = gsap.timeline()".green", { x: 600, duration: 2 });".purple", { x: 600, duration: 1, delay: 1 });".orange", { x: 600, duration: 1 });

Position Parameter

This handy little parameter is the secret to building gorgeous sequences with precise timing. There are a variety of position parameters that we can use to position tweens pretty much anywhere! Take a look at this timeline...


let tl = gsap.timeline()

// start at exactly 1 second into the timeline (absolute)".green", { x: 600, duration: 2 }, 1);

// insert at the start of the previous animation".purple", { x: 600, duration: 1 }, "<");

// insert 1 second after the end of the timeline (a gap)".orange", { x: 600, duration: 1 }, "+=1");

The most commonly used position parameters are the following -

  1. Absolute time (in seconds) measured from the start of the timeline.

    // insert exactly 3 seconds from the start of the timeline".class", {x: 100}, 3);
  2. A Gap

    //  1 second after the end of the timeline (usually the previously inserted animation)".class", {x: 100}, "+=1");
    // beyond the end of the timeline by 50% of the inserting animation's total duration".class", {x: 100}, "+=50%");
  3. An Overlap

    //  1 second before the end of the timeline (this is usually the previously inserted animation)".class", {x: 100}, "-=1");

    // overlap with the end of the timeline by 25% of the inserting animation's total duration".class", {x: 100}, "-=25%");

Position box a 3 seconds into the timeline.

Position box b 2 seconds after the end of box a.


Deep Dive

Want to know more about the position parameter? This article covers it in more detail

Special Properties

Timelines share most of the same special properties that tweens have like repeat and delay which allow you to control the entire sequence of animations as a whole!


Timeline Defaults


If you find yourself typing out a property over and over again, it might be time for defaults. Any property added to the defaults object in a timeline will be inherited by all the children that are created with the convenience methods like to(), from(), and fromTo(). This is a great way to keep your code concise.

var tl = gsap.timeline({defaults: {duration: 1}});

//no more repetition of duration: 1!".green", {x: 200})
.to(".purple", {x: 200, scale: 0.2})
.to(".orange", {x: 200, scale: 2, y: 20});