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A super-flexible method that interpolates linearly between any two values of a similar type (numbers, colors, strings, arrays, complex strings with multiple sets of embedded numbers, objects with multiple properties...almost anything!). You provide a progress value between 0 and 1 where 0.5 is halfway between, and it will return the interpolated value accordingly.

Choose one of the following method signatures - either get an interpolated value immediately or omit the progress parameter to get a reusable function that interpolates according to any progress values you feed in later:

1) interpolate(startValue, endValue, progress)

  1. startValue : * - The starting value. This can be almost any data type (Number, String, Array, complex String, color, Object)
  2. endValue : * - The ending value. This can be almost any data type, as long as it matches the startValue
  3. progress : Number - A value between 0 and 1 where 0 is the start, 0.5 is halfway between, and 1 is the end.

Returns: the interpolated value. Colors are in rgba() format (or hsla() if that's detected in the end value)


//interpolate halfway between 0 and 500 (number)
gsap.utils.interpolate(0, 500, 0.5); // 250

// strings
gsap.utils.interpolate("20px", "40px", 0.5); // "30px"

gsap.utils.interpolate("red", "blue", 0.5); // "rgba(128,0,128,1)"

{ a: 0, b: 10, c: "red" },
{ a: 100, b: 20, c: "blue" },
); // {a: 50, b: 15, c: "rgba(128,0,128,1)"}

2) interpolate(array, progress)

  1. array : Array - An array of values to linearly interpolate between (numbers, colors, strings, whatever...they just need to be of a similar data type)
  2. progress : Number - A value between 0 and 1 where 0 is the start, 0.5 is halfway between, and 1 is the end.

Returns: the interpolated value


// an array of numbers
gsap.utils.interpolate([100, 50, 500], 0.5); // 50
gsap.utils.interpolate([100, 50, 500], 0.75); // 275

// colors
gsap.utils.interpolate(["red", "green", "blue"], 0.5); // "green"
gsap.utils.interpolate(["red", "green", "blue"], 0.25); // "rgba(128,64,0,1)"

3) interpolate(startValue, endValue)

  1. startValue : * - The starting value. This can be almost any data type (Number, String, Array, complex String, color, Object)
  2. endValue : * - The ending value. This can be almost any data type, as long as it matches the startValue

Returns: a reusable function that accepts one parameter - a progress value (between 0 and 1)

If you omit the progress (3rd) parameter, the utility method will return a reusable function that's ready to interpolate based on any progress value you provide later. In other words, the returned function remembers the startValue and endValue so that it can very quickly and efficiently do the interpolating later.


// get a function that will always interpolate between 0 and 100
var interp = gsap.utils.interpolate(0, 100); //notice we didn't provide a progress value

// now we can reuse the function to interpolate any values:
console.log(interp(0.5)); // 50
console.log(interp(0.25)); // 25
console.log(interp(1)); // 100

// even works for an object with multiple properties!
var interp = gsap.utils.interpolate(
{ a: 0, b: 10, c: "red" },
{ a: 100, b: 20, c: "blue" }

interp(0.5); // {a: 50, b: 15, c: "rgba(128,0,128,1)"}

When animating objects, if you want it to mutate the original startValue (instead of creating a separate object internally), you can pass in true as the 3rd parameter.

4) interpolate(array)

  1. array : Array - An array of values to linearly interpolate between (numbers, colors, strings, whatever...they just need to be of a similar data type)

Returns: a reusable function that accepts one parameter - a progress value (between 0 and 1)

If you omit the progress (2nd) parameter, the utility method will return a reusable function that's ready to interpolate the array based on any progress value you provide later. In other words, the returned function remembers the array so that it can very quickly and efficiently do the interpolating later.


// get a function that will interpolate the Array
var interp = gsap.utils.interpolate([100, 50, 500]); //notice we didn't provide a progress value

// now we can reuse the function to interpolate any values:
console.log(interp(0.5)); // 50
console.log(interp(0.75)); // 275

// even works for colors!
var interp = gsap.utils.interpolate(["red", "green", "blue"]);

interp(0.25); // "rgba(128,64,0,1)"

Tip: combine reusable functions for powerful data transformations!

You can pipe() several reusable functions together to perform multiple tasks on an incoming value, like clamping, mapping to another range, snapping, interpolating, and more. For example:

// get a clamping function that will always clamp to a range between 0 and 100
var colorizer = gsap.utils.pipe(
// clamp between 0 and 100
gsap.utils.clamp(0, 100),

// normalize to a value between 0 and 1
gsap.utils.normalize(0, 100),

// then interpolate between red and blue
gsap.utils.interpolate("red", "blue")

// now we feed one value in and it gets run through ALL those transformations!:

Video demo: combining utility methods