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  1. Hey there, I'm just getting started with GSAP and so far loving it! But there's one thing I couldn't get figure yet and I can't find any example online: tween repetition inside a timeline without stuck it I mean: var timelineChain1 = new TimelineMax(); timelineChain1.to("#timeline-1 .el", .2, {autoAlpha:1}) /*STEP 1*/ .to("#timeline-1 .el", .2, {scale:.8, repeat:-1, yoyo:true}) /*STEP 2*/ .staggerTo("#timeline-1 .el", .2, {x:-20}, .2 ); /*STEP 3*/ What happens: step 1 runs ok, then the timeline get stuck in the repeatition of step 2, so step 3 never happens. What I want: the infinity repetition to continue as the timeline goes on. Is it possible? Thanks and keep going!
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