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  1. In case anyone else needs a google-hosted version, as I did. The next previous version I could find was this one: <script src="https://s0.2mdn.net/ads/studio/cached_libs/gsap_3.8.0_min.js"></script>
  2. For reference: GSAP3: https://codepen.io/friendlygiraffe/pen/KKebjdN GSAP2: https://codepen.io/friendlygiraffe/pen/qBKgxJV If you keep refreshing on GSAP 3 you will see the glitch, whereas GSAP 2 will not
  3. Here is a side-by-side comparison. GSAP 3 on the right
  4. Sure here's a version using v2 https://codepen.io/friendlygiraffe/pen/qBKgxJV
  5. Thanks Jack, that's how I've set up the codepen container: hidden then gsap sets to 1 https://codepen.io/friendlygiraffe/pen/KKebjdN
  6. Thanks for this! Unfortunately I won't get away with using delay for this project The only other way I can maybe fix it is by reverting to the old V2 TweenMax syntax ... will try that now edit: Yup! v2 works now....
  7. This is odd, I get this strange bug: var mainTL = gsap.timeline(); mainTL.from(".text2", {duration: 0.5, x:"+=80px", autoAlpha:0, ease:"power4.out"}, 0.5) .from(".phone", {duration: 1, scale:0.7, x:"+=250px", y:"+=400px", ease:"power2.inOut"}, 0.5); I discovered it only happens when both the items start at 0.5. So If I change the code for one of them to 0.6 it's fine: mainTL.from(".text2", {duration: 0.5, x:"+=80px", autoAlpha:0, ease:"power4.out"}, 0.5) .from(".phone", {duration: 1, scale:0.7, x:"+=250px", y:"+=400px", ease:"power2.inOut"}, 0.6); I've created gifs, as the codepen doesn't produce errors. Any tips appreciated
  8. Yes, unfortunately it pushes the letter apart
  9. Thanks again, but the outer stroke needs to be bigger and retain tight kerning
  10. Really appreciate you having a go! But the letters overlap which was my original headache. Thanks though
  11. I went down the -text-stroke route, even though it is experimental, but doesn't seem to like strokes on the outside of text. However, I found a trick using pseudo-elements: https://codepen.io/friendlygiraffe/pen/MWVQGoN My question now is, can SplitText handle this method? Looks like it isn't a good approach
  12. Perhaps I should've posted this in Banner forum, but isn't IE11 still available to Google DCM / Doubleclick studio?
  13. I just tried text-stroke, prefixed, in IE11. No luck for me
  14. I found a pretty good way of doing it by duplicating the text into 2 layers: https://codepen.io/friendlygiraffe/pen/ExEQvmK Separate question really, but I would like to run split1 and split2 on one line of code. I tried [split1.chars, split2.chars] but it ran them one after the other....
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