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GreenSock last won the day on April 21

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GreenSock last won the day on April 21

GreenSock had the most liked content!

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    Chicago Area
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    Volleyball, Basketball, Christian Apologetics, Motorcycling

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  1. I noticed two problems: You nested ScrollTriggers inside a timeline. That's logically impossible to accommodate - the playhead of a tween can't be controlled by BOTH a timeline's playhead AND the scroll position simultaneously. You've got multiple tweens of the same element controlled by ScrollTriggers. By default, animations with ScrollTriggers are rendered immediately. So in your case, you just need to set the 2nd and 3rd to immediateRender: false so that they don't step on each other. Is this what you're looking for?: https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/QWPzBXO?editors=1010 And alternative might be to create a timeline that has ONE ScrollTrigger applied to the timeline itself (not nested ones), and have all your animations in there. That'd assume you can just make that one timeline span across the entire scroll area that you need. If not, then just stick with the individual tweens. I hope that helps.
  2. Like @Rodrigo, I don't understand what you're seeing - I can see those countdown sections on both my Mac and my iPhone. Maybe I'm missing something obvious. 🤷‍♂️
  3. Yeah, if you check the console there's a warning: It's just not something that can be accommodated at this point - you've got your SVG set up to scale in a non-uniform way. Sorry, I wish there was a magic bullet I could offer.
  4. Maybe try making sure you've got the latest version of the files? I'm totally guessing here. Very tough to say without a minimal demo, sorry.
  5. I'm not familiar with Nuxt, but why are you doing this?: const { $gsap } = useNuxtApp() That's what's throwing the error - it's not returning $gsap. Why aren't you just doing a normal gsap import? Like: import gsap from "gsap";
  6. I noticed several problems: You had faulty markup (missing closed </div> tags) You were defining a containerAnimation for the getScrollLookup(), but only some of the elements were in the containerAnimation. That is not valid. You were pinning a container element, but you didn't define that in the getScrollLookup() config. Is this more of what you wanted? https://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/RwOEWYW?editors=0010
  7. I believe that's the issue that was already reported and patched in this thread related to once: true: The patch hasn't been released yet, but it's very easy to work around by just creating a simple ScrollTrigger first (it doesn't need to do anything). https://stackblitz.com/edit/stackblitz-starters-vynow2?file=src%2Fcomponents%2FHeroIntro%2FHeroIntro.js Does that clear things up?
  8. This appears to be funky behavior caused by Vue forcing refs to be Proxy objects. So when you access ref.value, it isn't the real object at all! It's a Proxy which alters what "this" refers to inside method calls. I think it's terrible that Vue does this actually, but maybe they have good reason for it. 🤷‍♂️ From what I can tell, the solution would be to use a shallowRef() instead of ref(): https://stackblitz.com/edit/github-vfgcdf-g52l6b?file=app.vue Does that clear things up?
  9. Without a minimal demo, it's super difficult to offer a suggestion here or understand what you're asking for - are you saying you want to apply ScrollSmoother...but not have it actually work at all? You just want to have it pretend to work, feeding you the value that it would apply to the container's transform, without applying it? Maybe you could add a ticker listener with a high priority to grab the original transform, and then use an onUpdate on the ScrollSmoother where you grab the new value but immediately apply the old one to revert it(?) I'm totally guessing here in the absence of a minimal demo, but hopefully that gives you a little to go on at least. I wonder why you wouldn't adjust whatever you're doing with the <body> transform to more cleanly apply that in a way that integrates with ScrollSmoother(?)
  10. Does it work well for you without Lenis? That's not a GreenSock product, so we can't really support it here. If you're talking about the pin seeming to be a little bit tardy, that's likely because mobile browsers are particularly bad with using a separate, non-synchronized thread for scrolling which is why ScrollTrigger offers a anticipatePin option. You might want to try adding anticipatePin: 1 or some other value just to see if it helps. You could also see if it's any better with ScrollTrigger.normalizeScroll(true);
  11. That's because your path data isn't valid. You specified type: "cubic" but your path data only has 3 points instead of 4.
  12. I assume maybe you mean something like this?: let tween1, tween2; function invalidateAndRemakeAnimations() { // Kill existing animations tween1 && tween1.revert(); tween2 && tween2.revert(); // Remake the first animation tween1 = gsap.to(".row._1", { scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".row._1", start: "top top", scrub: true, pin: true, pinSpacing: false, invalidateOnRefresh: true, markers: true } }); // Remake the second animation tween2 = gsap.to("h2.text", { scrollTrigger: { trigger: ".row._3", start: "top top", scrub: true, invalidateOnRefresh: true }, position: "relative" }); }
  13. Thanks for asking, @Marija1337! No, you don't need the special commercial license for that - the standard "no charge" license covers that type of usage. If you answer "yes" to any of the following, you'd need the special commercial license that comes with "Business" Club GSAP memberships: Do you have multiple developers that need access to the bonus plugins like SplitText, ScrollSmoother, MorphSVG, etc.? Does your GSAP-enhanced website/game/product require the user to pay a fee to use? (like Netflix.com) Are you selling a GSAP-enhanced product to multiple end users? (like a website template, theme or game) Are you using GSAP in a game/app with optional paid features/upgrades? If your website sells products that aren't GSAP-enhanced like clothing, widgets, food, etc., that doesn't require the commercial license. It only matters if the thing for which a fee is collected uses GSAP in some way. The standard "no charge" license even covers usage in projects where only a one-time development fee is charged, like an agency that's paid to build a fancy web site that's free for everyone to use. So you should be all set with the free/public license. Enjoy the tools and good luck with the new business! 💚
  14. Again, it's tough to advise without seeing a minimal demo, but I guess the most generic answer I can give would be: "call kill() on that animation from inside a 'resize' event handler". But if you want a more targeted answer for your scenario, please provide a minimal demo that clearly illustrates the problem and we'd be happy to take a peek.
  15. Or you could just put the CustomEase inside your onMounted function. The fundamental problem is that you're trying to register CustomEase when window/document don't exist yet.
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