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JS to Flash if Needed for Banner Ads

Jacob Norwood test
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Warning: Please note

This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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I'm just getting into animating without the traditional timeline. I mainly worked on banner ads and was very efficient at creating dynamic ads within the tight constraints of 40-60k files. 
I'm quite nervous about what direction to take. I desperately want to start learning JS HTML5 animation but have a concern that I will run into many clients that need flash only. I felt the warm embrace (ease) of flash for too long.  Now I feel I'm in the wild wild west again. 

A couple questions. 

1. Can you develop JS and convert to flash if needed automatically? 

2. I know JS and AS3 are close in syntax but if I start to learn JS will a conversion to AS3 if needed be a nightmare manually?




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Hi and welcome to the GreenSock forums.



Now I feel I'm in the wild wild west again. 


In some ways you are... but you're not alone;)



Can you develop JS and convert to flash if needed automatically? 


No, there is nothing automatic about any type of JS to Flash (or vice versa) conversion.


I know JS and AS3 are close in syntax but if I start to learn JS will a conversion to AS3 if needed be a nightmare manually?



Short answer... a mild nightmare.


Here's some clarification. JavaScript is closer to AS2 than it is to AS3. The way you structure your AS3 code in classes, use strict data-typing, and use access modifiers like private, public, and protected doesn't translate directly to JavaScript... but all the core language "elements" like variables, functions, objects, loops, conditional statements etc are virtually the same. 


What makes jumping between languages very easy is that the syntax for GreenSock code is virtually the same between AS3 and JS.  I was using ActionScript for ages before jumping over to JS but I found the switch much more bearable because all my GreenSock coding knowledge worked on both sides effortlessly (prior to being a GreenSock employee).


Working inside the Flash IDE and animating with code is a good deal easier than using JavaScript, HTML and CSS. If you are planning for your future though I would have to advise that is well worth the effort to get over the JavaScript bumps and get comfortable creating animations without Flash.


Start here: http://www.greensock.com/jump-start-js/ and definitely check out the CodePen demos that show all the code. http://codepen.io/collection/ifybJ


if you already have some basic HTML, CSS and JavaScript background, our training manual will definitely accelerate your learning: http://www.nobledesktop.com/books/details.cfm?product_id=143

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