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Tweens working on Added to Stage, but not in response to button click

temeraire test
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I have four multiple choice questions (sprites containing text fields) that I initially set to not visible. When a button is clicked, I make them visible, then I want them to fade to alpha 0, with only the correct answer remaining. The following code accomplishes this -- but only when I call  initTweens() on the addedToStage handler. If I try to call it from the button click event -- playClickHandler -- the alpha fades don't happen. Can anyone see why?


(Sorry, can't figure out how to format code)






import com.greensock.TimelineLite;

import com.greensock.TweenLite;

import com.greensock.easing.*;


import flash.display.Bitmap;

import flash.display.GradientType;

import flash.display.Graphics;

import flash.display.Shape;

import flash.display.Sprite;

import flash.events.Event;

import flash.events.MouseEvent;

import flash.geom.Matrix;

import flash.net.URLRequest;

import flash.net.navigateToURL;

import flash.text.TextField;

import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;

import flash.text.TextFieldType;

import flash.text.TextFormat;


import views.Icons;


[sWF(width="400", height="350",  backgroundColor="0xffffff")]

public class game extends Sprite



private var container:Sprite;

private var question:Sprite = new Sprite();

private var answer1:Sprite = new Sprite();

private var answer2:Sprite = new Sprite();

private var answer3:Sprite = new Sprite();

private var answer4:Sprite = new Sprite();

private var explanation:Sprite = new Sprite();

private var playButton:Sprite;


//text fields

private var txtQuestion:TextField = new TextField();

private var txtAnswer1:TextField  = new TextField();

private var txtAnswer2:TextField  = new TextField();

private var txtAnswer3:TextField  = new TextField();

private var txtAnswer4:TextField  = new TextField();

private var txtExplanation:TextField  = new TextField();

private var vBuffer:Number = 10;


//strings for textfields

private var currentQuestion:String;

private var currentAnswer1:String;

private var currentAnswer2:String;

private var currentAnswer3:String;

private var currentAnswer4:String;

private var currentExplanation:String;


private var questionSets:Array = [];

private var timeline:TimelineLite = new TimelineLite();

private var fadeSpeed:Number = 3;


private var bmpplayButton:Bitmap;

private var centeredAnswerPosition:Number;


//create a keyword which will trigger the presentation of a given questionSet

private var keyWord:String;


private var questionObj:Object;


private var textWidth:Number = 400;

private var textHeight:Number;


public function game()


this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedToStageHandler);



private function addedToStageHandler(e:Event):void


bmpplayButton = new Icons.PlayButtonMedium();



//initTweens();  //this works



private function playClickHandler(e:MouseEvent):void



initTweens(); //code runs, but this doesn't work -- the alpha changes don't happen.




private function makeVisible():void


answer1.visible = true;

answer2.visible = true;

answer3.visible = true;

answer4.visible = true;

explanation.visible = true;



private function initTweens():void


timeline.insert(TweenLite.to(answer1,fadeSpeed, {autoAlpha:0, delay:4}),0);

timeline.insert(TweenLite.to(answer3,fadeSpeed, {autoAlpha:0, delay:7}),0);

timeline.insert(TweenLite.to(answer4,fadeSpeed, {autoAlpha:0, delay:10}),0);

timeline.insert(TweenLite.to(answer2, 2, {x:100,scaleX:2, scaleY:2, delay: 12}),0);

timeline.insert(TweenLite.to(explanation, fadeSpeed, {autoAlpha:1, delay:14}),0);

timeline.append(TweenLite.delayedCall(3, clear));





private function setUpQuestion():void


container = new Sprite();

container.name = "container";

container.buttonMode = true;

container.useHandCursor = true;




txtQuestion.name = "txtQuestion";

txtQuestion.width = textWidth;

txtQuestion.wordWrap = true;

txtQuestion.multiline = true;

txtQuestion.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC;

txtQuestion.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;



var textFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat("Arial", 14, 0x000000, false, false, false, "", "", "left", 0, 0, 0, 0);


txtQuestion.defaultTextFormat = textFormat;

txtQuestion.text = currentQuestion;


answer1.y = question.y + question.height + vBuffer;

txtAnswer1.width = textWidth;

txtAnswer1.wordWrap = true;

txtAnswer1.multiline = true;

txtAnswer1.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC;

txtAnswer1.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;


txtAnswer1.defaultTextFormat = textFormat;

txtAnswer1.text = currentAnswer1;


answer1.visible = false;


answer2.y = answer1.y + answer1.height + vBuffer

txtAnswer2.width = textWidth;

txtAnswer2.wordWrap = true;

txtAnswer2.multiline = true;

txtAnswer2.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC;

txtAnswer2.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;


txtAnswer2.defaultTextFormat = textFormat;

txtAnswer2.text = currentAnswer2;


centeredAnswerPosition = stage.stageWidth/2 - answer2.width/2;

answer2.visible = false;


answer3.y = answer2.y + answer2.height + vBuffer;

txtAnswer3.width = textWidth;

txtAnswer3.wordWrap = true;

txtAnswer3.multiline = true;

txtAnswer3.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC;

txtAnswer3.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;


txtAnswer3.defaultTextFormat = textFormat;

txtAnswer3.text = currentAnswer3;


answer3.visible = false;


answer4.y = answer3.y + answer3.height + vBuffer;

txtAnswer4.width = textWidth;

txtAnswer4.wordWrap = true;

txtAnswer4.multiline = true;

txtAnswer4.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC;

txtAnswer4.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;


txtAnswer4.defaultTextFormat = textFormat;

txtAnswer4.text = currentAnswer4;


answer4.visible = false;


explanation.y = answer4.y + answer4.height + vBuffer;

explanation.alpha = 0; //hide it

txtExplanation.width = textWidth;

txtExplanation.wordWrap = true;

txtExplanation.multiline = true;

txtExplanation.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC;

txtExplanation.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;

txtExplanation.y = txtAnswer4.y + txtAnswer1.height + vBuffer;


txtExplanation.defaultTextFormat = textFormat;

txtExplanation.text = currentExplanation;


explanation.visible = false;


playButton = new Sprite();

playButton.name = "play";

playButton.buttonMode = true;

playButton.useHandCursor = true;


playButton.x = stage.stageWidth/2 - playButton.width/2;

playButton.y = explanation.y + explanation.height + 5*vBuffer;

playButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playClickHandler);












private function loadData(questionSet:String):void




case "cap":

currentQuestion = "What is the term for the number of a company's shares currently available for trading?";

currentAnswer1 = "The Cap" ;

currentAnswer2 = "The Float";

currentAnswer3 = "The Book";

currentAnswer4 = "The Major Leagues";

currentExplanation = "If a large percentage of the float is 'short' then it can set up a short squeeze.";


case "amzn":

currentQuestion = "How much has Amazon gone up in the last 10 years?";

currentAnswer1 = "100%" ;

currentAnswer2 = "10000%";

currentAnswer3 = "1000%";

currentAnswer4 = "400%";

currentExplanation = "Yes, it's gone up a hundredfold. Buy and hold!";






private function clear():void


question.visible = false;

answer1.visible = false;

answer2.visible = false;

answer3.visible = false;

answer4.visible = false;

explanation.visible = false;




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Hi Carl,


Thanks. I was using 11.6 but have now upgraded to 12.1.2.


And I've fixed it. What was happening was that when I declared timeline, I also instantiated it. That caused it to run no matter where I called the initTweens() function -- it just ran when the swf loaded. What I've done now is this:


private var timeline:TimelineLite;


And then I only instantiate it in the initTweens function:


private function initTweens():void


timeline = new TimelineLite();




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Cool, and now that you are on v12. Be sure to watch this video: http://www.greensock.com/sequence-video/


It shows you how some new and very important methods of TimelineLite/Max work.

You know longer need to use insert(), append(), appendMultiple and insertMultple.


For instance your 2 lines of code:


timeline.insert(TweenLite.to(answer1,fadeSpeed, {autoAlpha:0, delay:4}),0);
timeline.insert(TweenLite.to(answer3,fadeSpeed, {autoAlpha:0, delay:7}),0);
can now be
timeline.to(answer1,fadeSpeed, {autoAlpha:0}, 4) //start at a time of 4
  .to(answer3,fadeSpeed, {autoAlpha:0}, "+=3"); //start 3 seconds after previous tween ends
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