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Clear animation cache?

Vincentccw test
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Warning: Please note

This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. 

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Hello ... you could try any of the kill methods:





Kills the animation entirely or in part depending on the parameters.



//kill the entire animation:

//kill only the "x" and "y" properties of the animation (all targets):
myAnimation.kill({x:true, y:true});

//kill all parts of the animation related to the target "myObject" (if the tween has multiple targets, the others will not be affected):
myAnimation.kill(null, myObject);

//kill only the "x" and "y" properties of animations of the target "myObject":
myAnimation.kill({x:true, y:true}, myObject);

//kill only the "opacity" properties of animations of the targets "myObject1" and "myObject2":
myAnimation.kill({opacity:true}, [myObject1, myObject2]);





Kills all tweens and/or delayedCalls/callbacks, and/or timelines, optionally forcing them to completion first.



//kill everything
//kill only tweens, but not delayedCalls or timelines
TweenMax.killAll(false, true, false, false);
//kill only delayedCalls
TweenMax.killAll(false, false, true, false);





Kills all tweens of the children of a particular DOM element, optionally forcing them to completion first.



<div id="d1">
<div id="d2">
<img src="photo.jpg" id="image" />
<div id="d3"></div>

TweenMax.to( document.getElementById("d2"), 1, {css:{left:100}});
TweenMax.to( document.getElementById("image"), 1, {css:{left:100}});
TweenMax.to( document.getElementById("d3"), 1, {css:{left:100}});
//only kills the first 2 tweens because those targets are child elements of the "d1" DOM element.
TweenMax.killChildTweensOf( document.getElementById("d1") );





Kills all the tweens (or specific tweening properties) of a particular object or the delayedCalls to a particular function.




TweenMax.killTweensOf(myObject, {opacity:true, x:true});



 you could use any of the above GSAP methods to stop the animation which.. or kills the animation entirely or in part depending on the parameters and what method you use :)

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Based on your other thread, I'll assume this is because you were appending all of your hover tweens to the same timeline one after another. Easiest solution would be to use TweenLite.to() instead of a timeline for that sort of thing since the queue is not needed or desired.


If you really need to use an animation queue like that, then Jonathan has you covered.

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Based on your other thread, I'll assume this is because you were appending all of your hover tweens to the same timeline one after another. Easiest solution would be to use TweenLite.to() instead of a timeline for that sort of thing since the queue is not needed or desired.


If you really need to use an animation queue like that, then Jonathan has you covered.

Thanks, I have fixed the problems  :-P

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