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Tweenlite with rotation - need assistance

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I couldnt find an answer to this on the forums. Appologies if a similar thread exists.

I am as my name suggests; new to greensock and flash-programming.


Current code is working and moves the "hero" up and down to fixed locations in my game:


private function keyPressed(event:KeyboardEvent):void

if (oppnedcount <2 && event.keyCode==38)
if (oppnedcount == 0)
 TweenLite.to(hero, 0.3, {y:(421)});
TweenLite.to(hero, 0.3, {y:(365)});
if (oppnedcount > 0 && event.keyCode==40)
if (oppnedcount == 2)
 TweenLite.to(hero, 0.3, {y:(421)});
TweenLite.to(hero, 0.3, {y:(477)});



"Attatched" to the heros X- and Y-pos i have a running particle-object.


Is there a way to rotate the angle of this particle-object DURING the tween of my "hero"?

Preferrably using the tweenlite-code and not adding a timer to calculate the 0.3 seconds of my tweens.


Thanks in advance, best regards :)

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Hi and Welcome to the GreenSock forums.


I think what you are looking for is an onUpdate callback for your hero tween. You can define a function that will be called each time the tween updates like so:


TweenLite.to(hero, 0.3, {y:421, onUpdate:rotateParticleObject});

function rotateParticleObject():void{
    //code for rotating particle
    trace(hero.x, hero.y)

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