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Adding a mask when loading via getContent?

mspanish test
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I know this has something to do with .content vs .rawContent, but I can't seem to get a mask working on a loaded image! Since these thumbs are in a grid that the user uses to drag onto another object, I need the mask to load onto the thumb itself - but I'd rather mask whats INSIDE the thumb and not the thumb itself... anybody see the error here? Thanks in advance!


Here is my code:


var thumb:ContentDisplay = LoaderMax.getContent(thumbnailBigArray);

thumb.scaleMode = "proportionalInside"




thumb.width = thumbWidth;

thumb.height = thumbHeight;

thumb.x = (i % thumbCols) * (thumbWidth + padding) + 10;

thumb.y = int(i / thumbCols) * (thumbHeight + padding) + 0;


if (needsMask == "yes") {


var loader3 = new SWFLoader($.subject + '/' + windowType + '_mask' + '.swf', {x:5, y:5,height:thumbHeight-35,width:thumbWidth-35});

thumb.addChild(loader3.content); //add the ContentDisplay to the display list even before raw content is loaded.

thumb.mask = loader3.content;




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Hey Stacey,


nothing jumped out at me as being wrong with your code.

i made a very simple example very similar to what you provided:


import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.loading.*;
import com.greensock.events.LoaderEvent;
import com.greensock.loading.display.ContentDisplay;

var image:ImageLoader = new ImageLoader("f.jpg");

var thumb:ContentDisplay = image.content;

var circleMask:SWFLoader = new SWFLoader("circleMask.swf");

TweenMax.to(thumb, 2, {x:300, repeat:-1, yoyo:true});

thumb.mask = circleMask.content;



didn't have any problems.


i attached the files if you want to see it in action.



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Hey Carl - thanks for that - hope you are doing great over there in the big city :)


I actually figured out the problem was trying to use just 1 mask loaded as a SWF for a whole array of thumbs. This is probably as UNelegant as it gets, but here was my solution:

I call this after all the thumbs are loaded - and it's working pretty sweet now.


var loader3


function addThumbMasks():void {

trace('thumbMask function thumbArray = ' + thumbArray.length);

for (var i:int = 0; i < thumbArray.length; i++) {

loader3 = new SWFLoader($.subject + '/' + windowType + '_mask' + '.swf', {x:5, y:5,height:thumbHeight-35,width:thumbWidth-35,scaleMode:"proportionalInside"});







var mcArray:Array = [];


function onLoadSWF():void {


for (var i:int = 0; i < thumbArray.length; i++) {

var mc:MovieClip;

mc = maskLoadersArray.rawContent; //the root of the child swf




trace('mcArray check ' + mcArray)



function addMasksNow():void {

for (var i:int = 0; i < thumbArray.length; i++) {

if (thumbArray!= null && mcArray != null) {

thumbArray.addChild(mcArray); //add the ContentDisplay to the display list even before raw content is loaded.

thumbArray.mask = mcArray

thumbArray.visible = true;




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