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Playing parts of a MovieClip in reverse

mosk test
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I have a movie clip called myClip which is 100 frames long and has labels at the following frames:

0-start; 50-middle; 100-end


Can someone explain how to make my myClip play from start to middle and back to start during a mouse ROLL_OVER event for one button,

and from end to middle to end when I roll over another button.


Ideally I'd be able to loop over those ranges as well (so keep bouncing from start to middle to start to middle until ROLL_OUT from button).


I'm pretty sure this can be done through Greensock's Tweening and Timeline platform, but can't quite get it working.


Thanks for any assistance.

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sure just use the FrameLabelPlugin


here is an example of the FramePlugin, which works virtually the same way:


http://www.snorkl.tv/2010/10/overview-o ... backwards/




import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;

//tween myClip to frame middle and back to beginning indefinitely

TweenMax.to(myClip, 1, {frameLabel:"middle", repeat:-1, yoyo:true, ease:Linear.easeNone})

//or try

//tween myClip from end to middle to end to middle indefinitely

//TweenMax.fromTo(myClip, 1, {frameLabel:"end"}, {frameLabel:"middle", ease:Linear.easeNone, repeat:-1, yoyo:true})


based on your framerate you may have to adjust the duration: frames/frameRate = duration


100frames / 25fps = duration of 4 seconds.




also in your tween you can set useFrames:true and just pass in the number of frames for the duration


please read the getting started guide: http://www.greensock.com/get-started-tweening/

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Hey carl -


Thanks for the detailed reply with code and links.

I've watched a number of your tutorials (and just watched the one you linked to in your reply) - and they're some of the best ones out there. You do a great job at mixing the necessary coding details with examples that show real world functionality, and while I was reluctant to add Greensock onto the teetering stack of web programs / platforms / languages that I'm trying to get a handle on, your tutorials helped convince me to make the leap - so much thanks for those as well.


Have things working nicely now, and look forward to using the increased timeline flexibility in future projects.

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