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SvelteKit, Vercel and GSAP Business

Joshua Vachon test
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I am trying to deploy my SvelteKit Website on Vercel, but it seems there is an issue with GSAP Business or (maybe) just ScrollTrigger. My code works on localhost and I configured Vercel environnement key NPM_RC with the value from my account license. Even so, I get an error saying it can't find ScrollTrigger's module. I also tried the Dist folder instead, but it didn't work either.


How can I solve this?

Capture d’écran 2022-04-08 210453.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey. Don't know if this is resolved yet. I ran into some minor issues on Netlify. Was easy to resolve though and shouldn't be too different on vercel.

1. You need to add the generated gsap authToken to a ".npmrc" file in your repository root.
Now in order to not leak your GSAP key, you should put it in an environment variable (NPM_TOKEN).
You should be able to access this token  in the .npmrc via ${NPM_TOKEN} like in the example here:


This could vary a bit for the business license but should be explained on the gsap installation page.
Important: Don't forget to add the variable to Vercel where you actually add your gsap key.

This could vary a bit on Vercel but I am pretty sure if you search the web for "Vercel .npmrc env variable" you'll find something.

2. I had some issues with the imports not working where the solution was to import from the dist folder.
Oddly enough you need to add .js at the end of the import - it won't work otherwise.

Here's an example of my imports that actually work:

import { gsap } from 'gsap/dist/gsap.js';
import { ScrollSmoother } from 'gsap/dist/ScrollSmoother.js';


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