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SplitText Stagger Animation Issue

neontrenton test
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I'm trying to use SplitText and Scrolltrigger to do a staggered lettering animation like the one found here: 


However, if I use multiple instances of the #split-stagger, the first instance works perfectly but the rest animate way too dramatically. The letters in the #split-stagger text (other than the first instance) move down the page a lot more than they should. Is there some adjustment I can make to make these all animate properly and independently of one another? 


gsap.registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger, ScrollSmoother, SplitText);
const smoother = ScrollSmoother.create({
wrapper: "#smoother-wrapper",
content: "#smoother-content",
smooth: 2,
normalizeScroll: true, // prevents address bar from showing/hiding on most devices, solves various other browser inconsistencies
ignoreMobileResize: true, // skips ScrollTrigger.refresh() on mobile resizes from address bar showing/hiding
effects: true,
preventDefault: true,
smoother.effects("img", { speed: "auto" });
let tl = gsap.timeline();
let mySplitText = new SplitText(".split-stagger", { type: "words,chars" });
let chars = mySplitText.chars;
chars.forEach((char, i) => {
smoother.effects(char, { speed: 1, lag: (i + 1) * 0.1 });


See the Pen bGaWjpw by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen

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Hey there!


You'd need to loop around the text items and do the splitText and animation for each one

Something like this...


let textItems = gsap.utils.toArray('.text');

textItems.forEach((scopedText) => {
//split the text and get the characters in that specific text block
 let mySplitText = new SplitText(scopedText, { type: "words,chars" });
 let chars = mySplitText.chars;
// then loop around the characters
 chars.forEach((char, i) => {
  smoother.effects(char, { speed: 1, lag: (i + 1) * 0.1 });


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