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animate to changing target/value?

jesper.landberg test
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See the Codepen. Obviously when u click, obj animates to the value target had on click. But if I wanted obj to animate to whatever value target would have at the end of the 1 second duration, how would you approach that? My initial thought is doing a lerp, but I wanted to see if GSAP has some clever functionality for this case first. I think FLIP can do something similar? 


Code from the Codepen:


const target = { x: 0, y : 0 }
const obj = { x: 0, y: 0 }

const targetEl = document.querySelector('.js-target')
const objEl = document.querySelector('.js-obj')

objEl.textContent = `x: ${obj.x}, y: ${obj.y}`

function tick() {
  target.x = gsap.utils.wrap(0, 1000, target.x + 1)
  target.y = gsap.utils.wrap(0, 1000, target.y + 1)
  targetEl.textContent = `x: ${target.x}, y: ${target.y}`


document.addEventListener('click', () => {
    gsap.to(obj, {
      duration: 1,
      x: target.x, y: target.y,
      onUpdate: () => {
        objEl.textContent = `x: ${obj.x}, y: ${obj.y}`


See the Pen caafcd930a74495c2c83fa0b50d98a9c by ReGGae (@ReGGae) on CodePen

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I don't think there is an easy way to figure that out. One problem is that you are updating everything inside a ticker function, but how often that updates is going to vary based refresh rate of your monitor and fps. If your monitor runs at 60fps and mine runs at 120fps, we're going to have wildly different target values after 1 second.


I had to add in extra calculation here to normalize the framerate difference when doing lerp, but it's probably not 100% accurate.


See the Pen WNNNBpo by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen



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1 hour ago, OSUblake said:

I don't think there is an easy way to figure that out. One problem is that you are updating everything inside a ticker function, but how often that updates is going to vary based refresh rate of your monitor and fps. If your monitor runs at 60fps and mine runs at 120fps, we're going to have wildly different target values after 1 second.


I had to add in extra calculation here to normalize the framerate difference when doing lerp, but it's probably not 100% accurate.







I tried lerping towards the target on click instead but since im wrapping it didnt work as I wanted, it probs would if I didnt do that tho, but would been hard getting an exact duration tho. In the end I achieved what I wanted doing some math in a shader (since its webgl). If u want to see, towards the end of the clip attached u can see that the grid item now snaps into place when opening/closing even if the grid is moving. which I struggled with using pure JS.




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