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ScrollTrigger perfromance issue on Google Chrome Apple devices

Puneet Sharma test
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I have created a scrollTrigger animation with Morphing on an SVG. Animation action can be found here:


I am having an issue with making is performant on Macbook Google Chrome Browser. The animation is working not perfectly but well enough in safari, but I can see major issues in chrome. When I did performance profiling I could see a lot of red fps areas when I scrolled past the animation.


What are the things I can try apart from force3D: true


// Make sure to register Morph Plugin.

	// Morph can only happen between path, make sure to convert any
	// other type of element from SVG to path using covertToPath()
	MorphSVGPlugin.convertToPath('circle, rect, ellipse, line, polygon, polyline');

	// Dynamically Set the height of Hero Section to the
	// Height of the screen.
	document.querySelector('.location_island').style.height = window.innerHeight;

	const screenSize = document.body.clientWidth;

	let animationData = [];
	let percetageScroll = 80;

	if (screenSize <= 900) {
		percetageScroll = 50;
		animationData = [
				el: 'svg #stage_1',
				title: '.location_1',
				index: 6,
				label: 'stage1',
				el: 'svg #stage_2_mobile',
				title: '.location_1',
				index: 5,
				label: 'stage2',
				in: ['svg #stage_1 #stage_2_el_mobile', '.location_1'],
				out: ['#center-title', 'svg #stage_1 #other'],
				label: 'wait_1',
				el: 'svg #stage_3_mobile',
				title: '.location_2',
				index: 4,
				label: 'stage3',
				in: ['svg #stage_1 #stage_3_el_mobile', '.location_2'],
				out: ['svg #stage_1 #stage_2_el_mobile', '.location_1'],
				label: 'wait_2',
	} else {
		animationData = [
				el: 'svg #stage_1',
				title: '.location_1',
				index: 1,
				label: 'stage1',
				el: 'svg #stage_2',
				title: '.location_1',
				index: 2,
				label: 'stage2',
				in: ['svg #stage_1 #stage_2_el', '.location_1'],
				out: ['#center-title', 'svg #stage_1 #other'],
				label: 'wait_1',
				el: 'svg #stage_3',
				title: '.location_2',
				index: 3,
				label: 'stage3',
				in: ['svg #stage_1 #stage_3_el', '.location_2'],
				out: ['svg #stage_1 #stage_2_el', '.location_1'],
				label: 'wait_2',

	// Initialize the timeline.
	const timeline = gsap.timeline({
		scrollTrigger: {
			trigger: '.main_location_wrapper',
			start: 'top 70px',
			end: '+=' + (animationData.length + 1) * percetageScroll + '%', // each section is 60% of the viewport height
			scrub: 1,
			pin: true,
			force3D: true,

	// markers: true

	// Remove first item from array and start to Looping to set animation.
	animationData.slice(1).forEach((step) => {
		// Animate Each item together.

		if (step.el) {
			// Safe Variable Declaration.
			let svgMorphOut = 'svg #stage_1';
			let svgMorphIn = step.el;

			// SAND
			let svgInSand = svgMorphIn + ' ' + '#sand' + '-' + step.index;
			let svgOutSand = svgMorphOut + ' ' + '#sand';

			// LAND
			let svgInLand = svgMorphIn + ' ' + '#land' + '-' + step.index;
			let svgOutLand = svgMorphOut + ' ' + '#land';

					morphSVG: svgInSand,
					ease: 'power1.out',

					morphSVG: svgInLand,
					ease: 'power1.out',

			// For Stage 2;

			if (step.index === 2) {
						xPercent: 50,
						ease: 'power1.inOut',

						scale: 4.5,
						origin: [0.70, 0.40],
						ease: 'power1.inOut',

			if (step.index === 3) {
						xPercent: -40,
						ease: 'power1.inOut',

						scale: 5.5,
						origin: [0.10, 0.63],
						ease: 'power1.inOut',

			if (step.index === 4) {
						yPercent: -10,
						xPercent: 10,
						ease: 'power1.inOut',
						scale: 2.6,
						origin: [0.45, 0.42],
						ease: 'power1.inOut',

			if (step.index === 5) {
						yPercent: -13,
						xPercent: 10,
						ease: 'power1.inOut',
						scale: 2.1,
						origin: [0.4, 0.42],
						ease: 'power1.inOut',

			step.in.forEach((item) => {
						autoAlpha: 0,
						display: 'none',
						autoAlpha: 1,
						display: 'block',
						ease: 'power1.inOut',
					step.label + '+=15%'

			step.out.forEach((item) => {
						autoAlpha: 1,
						display: 'block',
						autoAlpha: 0,
						display: 'none',
						ease: 'power1.inOut',
					step.label + '-=15%'
		} else {
			timeline.to('svg', { duration: 0.5 }, step.label);


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Hi @Puneet Sharma. It's super difficult to troubleshoot a live site - there are too many factors involved. And performance audits can be quite time-intensive and multi-faceted. We can't do those for free but if you provide a minimal demo (like in CodePen) that clearly shows the issue in a very isolated way, we'd be happy to take a peek and offer any tips we notice from a quick glance. 


By the way, it looked to me like you may have some issues with your ScrollTrigger setup - I saw some strange jumping with the pinning. Again, very difficult to troubleshoot without a minimal demo. If you need custom consulting services (paid), feel free to contact us or post in the Jobs & Freelance forum.


Thanks for being a Club GreenSock member! 🙌

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