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Why do have to use a function in ref when using gsap and react?


import React,  { useRef, useEffect } from 'react';
import logo from './logo.svg';
import './App.css';
import gsap from 'gsap';
import gsapCore from 'gsap/gsap-core';
function App() {
  let circleYellow = useRef(null)
  let circleRed = useRef(null)
  let circleBlue = useRef(null)
  useEffect(()=> {
    gsap.from(circleYellow, {duration: 0.8, opacity: 0, x: 90, ease: 'power3.out'})
    gsap.from(circleRed, {duration: 0.8, opacity: 0, x: 90, ease: 'power3.out'})
    gsap.from(circleBlue, {duration: 0.8, opacity: 0, x: 90, ease: 'power3.out'})
  }, [])
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <header className="App-header">
        <div className="circle-container">
          <div ref={el => circleYellow = el} className="circle circle--yellow"></div>  <--- when I use just circleYellow I get this error: TypeError: Cannot add property _gsap, object is not extensible
          <div ref={el => circleRed = el} className="circle circle--red"></div>
          <div ref={el => circleBlue = el} className="circle circle--blue"></div>
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Hi @harp


That's not the correct usage for a ref. 

let circleYellow = useRef(null)

 useEffect(()=> {
    gsap.from(circleYellow.current, {duration: 0.8, opacity: 0, x: 90, ease: 'power3.out'})
  }, [])

<div ref={el => circleYellow.current = el} className="circle circle--yellow"></div>



let circleYellow;

 useEffect(()=> {
    gsap.from(circleYellow, {duration: 0.8, opacity: 0, x: 90, ease: 'power3.out'})
  }, [])

<div ref={el => circleYellow = el} className="circle circle--yellow"></div>


Or the recommended way...

let circleYellow = useRef(null)

 useEffect(()=> {
    gsap.from(circleYellow.current, {duration: 0.8, opacity: 0, x: 90, ease: 'power3.out'})
  }, [])

<div ref={circleYellow} className="circle circle--yellow"></div>


Please check out React guide. It also shows another way using the selector util.



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12 minutes ago, OSUblake said:

Hi @harp


That's not the correct usage for a ref. 

let circleYellow = useRef(null)

 useEffect(()=> {
    gsap.from(circleYellow.current, {duration: 0.8, opacity: 0, x: 90, ease: 'power3.out'})
  }, [])

<div ref={el => circleYellow.current = el} className="circle circle--yellow"></div>



let circleYellow;

 useEffect(()=> {
    gsap.from(circleYellow, {duration: 0.8, opacity: 0, x: 90, ease: 'power3.out'})
  }, [])

<div ref={el => circleYellow = el} className="circle circle--yellow"></div>


Or the recommended way...

let circleYellow = useRef(null)

 useEffect(()=> {
    gsap.from(circleYellow.current, {duration: 0.8, opacity: 0, x: 90, ease: 'power3.out'})
  }, [])

<div ref={circleYellow} className="circle circle--yellow"></div>


Please check out React guide. It also shows another way using the selector util.



Okay thanks, actually going over that now the youtube video of someone I think was confusing me.

whats does the current mean? 

useEffect(()=> {
    gsap.to(boxRef.current, { rotation: "+=360"})
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The element is on the current property. A ref is just a simple object with a current property. It's the same as doing this.

const boxRef = useState({ current: null })[0];


The best way to understand what something is, is to log it out.


const boxRef = useRef();
console.log(boxRef) // { current: undefined }

useEffect(() => {
  console.log(boxRef) // { current: div.box }
  gsap.to(boxRef.current, {
    rotation: "+=360"


To understand why React uses an object with a current property is beyond the scope of this forum, but search around for JavaScript reference vs value. React uses objects for references to allow values to persists between renders.


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