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Scrollreveal problem

Tomáš938 test
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Thanks for doing that Tomáš, 

Codepen is a lot easier for us to help though - I can't change things in your github repo so it's pretty difficult to work out what the issue is.

Everything you need to set up a demo is in this minimal demo link. It's nice and simple.

From a cursory look I don't know what is causing your issue, but you're repeating a lot of code unnecessarily - both in your SCSS and your JS. You could use scrollTrigger.batch() to handle this, and you don't have to apply the same styles separately to every item in the grid.

Pop it into a codepen and we'll help guide you towards a better solution.

gsap.to(".grid__gallery__item-1", {
	scrollTrigger: {
		trigger: ".grid__gallery__item-1",
		start: "0% 80%",
		end: () => "+=" + document.querySelector(".skill").offsetWidth,
		end: "50% 80%",
		scrub: 3,

		toggleActions: "restart pause reverse pause",
	opacity: 1,
	x: 0,
	rotation: 360,
	duration: 1,
gsap.to(".grid__gallery__item-4", {
	scrollTrigger: {
		trigger: ".grid__gallery__item-4",
		start: "0% 80%",

		end: "50% 80%",
		scrub: 3,

		toggleActions: "restart pause reverse pause",
	opacity: 1,
	x: 0,
	rotation: 360,
	duration: 1,
gsap.to(".grid__gallery__item-2", {
	scrollTrigger: {
		trigger: ".grid__gallery__item-2",
		start: "-33% 80%",

		end: "50% 80%",
		scrub: 3,
		toggleActions: "restart pause reverse pause",
	opacity: 1,
	y: 0,
	duration: 1,
gsap.to(".grid__gallery__item-3", {
	scrollTrigger: {
		trigger: ".grid__gallery__item-3",
		start: "-33% 80%",

		end: "50% 80%",
		scrub: 3,
		toggleActions: "restart pause reverse pause",
	opacity: 1,
	y: 0,

	duration: 1,
gsap.to(".grid__gallery__item-5", {
	scrollTrigger: {
		trigger: ".grid__gallery__item-5",
		start: "-33% 80%",
		end: "50% 80%",
		scrub: 3,
		toggleActions: "restart pause reverse pause",
	opacity: 1,
	y: 0,
	// rotation: 360,
	duration: 1,
gsap.to(".grid__gallery__item-6", {
	scrollTrigger: {
		trigger: ".grid__gallery__item-6",
		start: "-33% 80%",
		end: "50% 80%",
		scrub: 3,
		toggleActions: "restart pause reverse pause",
	opacity: 1,
	y: 0,
	duration: 1,
gsap.to(".grid__gallery__item-7", {
	scrollTrigger: {
		trigger: ".grid__gallery__item-7",
		start: "-33% 80%",

		end: "50% 80%",
		scrub: 3,
		toggleActions: "restart pause reverse pause",
	opacity: 1,
	y: 0,
	duration: 1,
gsap.to(".grid__gallery__item-8", {
	scrollTrigger: {
		trigger: ".grid__gallery__item-8",
		start: "-33% 80%",

		end: "50% 80%",
		scrub: 3,
		toggleActions: "restart pause reverse pause",
	opacity: 1,
	y: 0,
	duration: 1,


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Well, i realize two things first i don't like codepen :D and second when i put my gsap code into setTimetout with delay 100 ms my code working as i want. Thanks for help im new to programming and GSAP so it's hard for me and of course i will refactor code :D

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4 hours ago, Tomáš938 said:

when i put my gsap code into setTimetout with delay 100 ms my code working as i want.

That smells like a lazy-loading issue or something that is basically causing a reflow to the layout in the browser AFTER ScrollTrigger has refreshed (which it automatically does when the page loads). I'm not sure what environment you're in but perhaps there's a lifecycle event you can tap into so that you call ScrollTrigger.refresh() AFTER the page is DONE doing its layout. I'm only guessing here. 

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