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Complicated animation

shikari test
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I've got a tough animation task and have no idea even how to start approaching to the implementation.


Here's a website-reference: reference example. The part I'm interested in has "Trading with fey" title.


My task is similar in a sense.


Let me try to explain what I need:
I have a long section with a title and some description at the top. These two do not participate in animation.
Then I have subsections which have subtitle, sub-description and most of them have a list. The subsection takes around 50% width. The behavior I expect here is when I reach a subsection, subtitle and sub-description becomes sort of sticky and when I scroll, only list items appearing and disappearing one by one. When I reach the last list item I move to the next subsection and there I expect the same behavior.
Also I have an svg image on the right, it goes all the way along these subsections. It behaves as a sticky element and every time I go to the next subsection some elements inside this image should change their position(that's why I inserted it as an svg).


Hopefully I explained everything clear and I would be very thankful if you show me at least a direction where to move to start or send some similar ready implementations.


Thanks in advance!


See the Pen WNoxjKY?editors=1100 by lElfenLiedl (@lElfenLiedl) on CodePen

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