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Stop two timelines repeating after first loop in slider carousel

drNo77 test
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Hi, I'm using a custom slider carousel template to build a mobile banner for this ad platform, which is mostly built in jQuery and JavaScript, and I'm trying to make the tweens on frames 2 and 3 (timeline variables are called f2Timeline and f3BorderTimeline) animate the first time the slider plays on screen, but then keep them static and prevent them from repeating as the slider loops.


I think I'm nearly there, but the tweens animate continuously. What I've done so far is I've called a function called "checkFrame()" that animates the tweens according to the frame number, and then have the function declared inside the last conditional statement of the "goSlide" function . I think I might have to write another conditional statement to determine what should happen when the variable "slideCount" is triggered more than once, but I've tried it,  and I still can't work it out.


 * Customise product click throughs here
var STANDARD_BANNER_URL = "https://playground.xyz";
var SUPER_SKIN_HERO_URL = 'https://playground.xyz';

/************************** DO NOT EDIT BELOW **************************/
var superSkin = new xyz.superSkin({
  version: 2
var docs = superSkin.docs;

var bannerClickUrl = xyzContext.tokens.bannerClick || STANDARD_BANNER_URL;
var heroClickUrl = xyzContext.tokens.heroClick || SUPER_SKIN_HERO_URL;

// Slider vars
var f2Timeline = new TimelineMax();
var f3Timeline = new TimelineMax();
//var f3Timeline = new TimelineMax();

/************************** DO NOT EDIT ABOVE **************************/

superSkin.on("banner", function() {
  superSkin.clickArea($('body', docs.banner), bannerClickUrl, "Banner click");

superSkin.on('launch', function() {

  /** ** SLIDER SCRIPT  ****/

  // DEPENDENCY on the presence of correct class names on slider elements in html, see Selector below

  // 1. Basic object for our stuff
  var slider = window.slider = {};

  // 2. Settings
  slider.sliderPanelSelector = '.slider-panel';
  slider.sliderPaginationSelector = '.slider-pagination';
  slider.sensitivity = 25; // horizontal % needed to trigger swipe

  // 2. Placeholder to remember which slide we’re on
  slider.activeSlide = 0;

  // 3. Slide counter
  slider.slideCount = 0;

  // 4. Initialization + event listener
  slider.init = function(selector) {
    // 4a. Find the container
    slider.sliderEl = superSkin.docs.hero.querySelector(selector);

    // 4b. Count stuff
    slider.slideCount = slider.sliderEl.querySelectorAll(slider.sliderPanelSelector).length;

    console.log('slideCount', slider.slideCount);

    $('#slider', docs.hero).css('width', (slider.slideCount * 100) + '%');

    // 4c. Populate pagination
    var n = 0;
    for (n; n < slider.slideCount; n++) {
      var activeStatus = n == slider.activeSlide ? ' class="is-active"' : '';
      slider.sliderEl.parentElement.querySelector(slider.sliderPaginationSelector).innerHTML += '<div ' + activeStatus + '></div>';

    // 4d. Set up HammerJS
    var sliderManager = new Hammer.Manager(slider.sliderEl);
    sliderManager.add(new Hammer.Pan({
      threshold: 0,
      pointers: 0
    sliderManager.on('pan', function(e) {
      // 4e. Calculate pixel movements into 1:1 screen percents so gestures track with motion
      var percentage = 100 / slider.slideCount * e.deltaX / window.innerWidth;

      // 4f. Multiply percent by # of slide we’re on
      var percentageCalculated = percentage - 100 / slider.slideCount * slider.activeSlide;

      // 4g. Apply transformation
      slider.sliderEl.style.transform = 'translateX( ' + percentageCalculated + '% )';

      // 4h. Snap to slide when done
      if (e.isFinal) {

        // Log an engagement
        superSkin.tracking.engagement('hero', {
          event: {
            label: 'Swipe'

        if (e.velocityX > 1) {
          slider.goTo(slider.activeSlide - 1);
        } else if (e.velocityX < -1) {
          slider.goTo(slider.activeSlide + 1);
        } else {
          if (percentage <= -(slider.sensitivity / slider.slideCount))
            slider.goTo(slider.activeSlide + 1);
          else if (percentage >= (slider.sensitivity / slider.slideCount))
            slider.goTo(slider.activeSlide - 1);

  // 5. Update current slide
  slider.goTo = function(number) {
    // 5a. Stop it from doing weird things like moving to slides that don’t exist
    if (number < 0)
      slider.activeSlide = 0;
    else if (number > slider.slideCount - 1)
      slider.activeSlide = slider.slideCount - 1;
      slider.activeSlide = number;
//     if (number > 0)
//        f2Timeline.stop(); 
    // 5b. Apply transformation & smoothly animate via .is-animating CSS
    var percentage = -(100 / slider.slideCount) * slider.activeSlide;

    $(slider.sliderEl).transition({x: percentage + '%'}, TRANSITION_SPEED);

    // 5c. Update the counters
    var pagination = slider.sliderEl.parentElement.querySelectorAll(slider.sliderPaginationSelector + ' > *');
    var slides = slider.sliderEl.parentElement.querySelectorAll(slider.sliderPanelSelector);
    var n = 0;
    for (n; n < pagination.length; n++) {
      var className = n == slider.activeSlide ? 'is-active' : '';
      var slideClass = n == slider.activeSlide ? 'slider-panel is-active' : 'slider-panel';
      pagination[n].className = className;
      slides[n].className = slideClass;


  var autoplay = setInterval(goSlide, AUTO_SLIDE_INTERVAL);

  function goSlide() {
    if (slider.activeSlide === slider.slideCount - 1) {
    } else {
      slider.goTo(slider.activeSlide + 1);
      console.log('test everything');
  function checkFrame() {
    // if (slider.slideCount > 0) {
    if (slider.activeSlide === 1 && slider.slideCount > 1) {
      f2Timeline.add(new TweenMax.fromTo(roundel, 0.3, {scale:0}, {scale:1, ease:Back.easeOut, delay:0.5}));
      f2Timeline.add(new TweenMax.fromTo(roundelCopy1, 0.3, {scale:0}, {scale:1, ease:Back.easeOut}));
      f2Timeline.add(new TweenMax.fromTo(roundelCopy2, 0.3, {scale:0}, {scale:1, ease:Back.easeOut}));
      console.log('frame 2');
    } else if (slider.activeSlide === 2 && slider.slideCount > 1) {
      f3Timeline.add(new TweenMax.fromTo(topF2, 0.3, {scaleX:0}, {scaleX:1, ease:Power2.easeOut, delay:0.5}));
      f3Timeline.add(new TweenMax.fromTo(vertBorder, 0.2, {scaleY:0}, {scaleY:1, ease:Power2.easeOut}));
      f3Timeline.add(new TweenMax.fromTo(horizBorder, 0.2, {scaleX:0}, {scaleX:1, ease:Power2.easeOut}));
      f3Timeline.add(new TweenMax.fromTo(insetBox, 0.3, {y:-100}, {y:0, ease:Power2.easeOut}));
      f3Timeline.add(new TweenMax.fromTo(copy3, 0.3, {y:-100}, {y:0, ease:Power2.easeOut}));
      console.log('frame 3');
  function turnOffAnimation() {
  $('.slider', docs.hero).on('touchstart', function(){

/** ** END SLIDER SCRIPT  ****/

  superSkin.clickArea($('body', docs.hero), heroClickUrl, 'Hero click');

Any ideas? Cheers.

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Hey drNo77. You've got a lot of code there. It's pretty hard for us to debug without a minimal demo. I recommend that you create a minimal demo with all the parts unrelated to your question stripped out if you'd like help debugging. Otherwise you might not get a helpful reply.


Side notes:

  • We highly recommend using the GSAP 3 formatting so you can make use of some of GSAP's features like defaults. Learn more about that here:
  • You're making one of the most common GSAP mistakes: adding to a timeline that's already completed. What you should be doing instead is either setting your animation up beforehand and just using control methods (recommended) or new tweens/timelines depending on your setup. More about that in my article about animating efficiently.



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