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Nolla test
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Hey Nolla and welcome to the GreenSock forums. 


We don't recommend ScrollMagic. GSAP has its own official scroll plugin called ScrollTrigger that has way more features, a sleeker API, and a smaller file size! Its .scrollerProxy() method can help it be hooked up to smooth scrolling libraries with ease.


Give it a try! I'm sure you'll come to love it.

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Hey @Nolla, I saw your private message, so I decided to answer on the forum because it may help others. 
I'm not aware of how you've handled your Smoothscroll, but I would say that your problem could it be related to callback timing.
Probably you're calling the smooth scroll before the browser get the correct size of the document. 

You maybe need to put some preloader on images and call the smooth scroll after browser get it done, or put fixed size for all your elements so, or (more complex) create a lazy load function on your images and recalculate your smooth scroll every time the browser changes the height.

Seizing the opportunity I also suggest you use ScrollTrigger instead of ScrollMagic, so much more benefits and better performance.

Good Luck.

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Tentei algumas soluções mas como sou iniciante nada resolveu meu caro Victor

Poderia me ajudar da forma mais simples que você puder??


Grande Abraço


On 8/12/2020 at 8:37 PM, Victor Work said:

Hey @Nolla, I saw your private message, so I decided to answer on the forum because it may help others. 
I'm not aware of how you've handled your Smoothscroll, but I would say that your problem could it be related to callback timing.
Probably you're calling the smooth scroll before the browser get the correct size of the document. 

You maybe need to put some preloader on images and call the smooth scroll after browser get it done, or put fixed size for all your elements so, or (more complex) create a lazy load function on your images and recalculate your smooth scroll every time the browser changes the height.

Seizing the opportunity I also suggest you use ScrollTrigger instead of ScrollMagic, so much more benefits and better performance.

Good Luck.


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