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ScrollTrigger, ToggleClass and Targets

Jamesh test
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Loving ScrollTrigger. I've got the functionality of what I want to do working, codepen URL . However, I am using IDs to trigger and another ID to toggleClass by using toggleClass: { targets: timelineImage, className: 'active' },. I have a lot of images, 38, and I'm sure there is a better way in which to target the elements rather than having to specifically generate code each time for each image and section and therefore generating essentially repetitive code, as well as making making it more dynamic for future use. 


I started working along the lines of: 


if (document.querySelector('.timeline')) {
const timelineContainers = document.querySelectorAll('.timeline-content');
timelineContainers.forEach((container) => {
const timelineTrigger = container.querySelectorAll('.timeline-trigger');
const timelineImage = document.querySelectorAll('.timeline-image');
trigger: timelineTrigger,
markers: true,
toggleClass: { targets: timelineImage, className: 'active' },
start: 'top 40%',


but this obviously adds the className to all the .timeline-images and not one-by-one as you scroll past each .timeline-content, hence my workings thus far.


Thanks in advance!


PS.  Is it best practice not to animate the same element as your ScrollTrigger? 



See the Pen YzwzdpP by jame5 (@jame5) on CodePen

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Hey Jamesh.  Since your images and sections have the same number, you can make use of that to select the appropriate section:

See the Pen GRoRzvx?editors=0010 by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen


If that's not true in your production site, there are other ways of pointing to the correct section. For example I make use of data attributes when I did the same sort of thing in this pen (I have more complex animations going on in this one):

See the Pen YzyqVNe by GreenSock (@GreenSock) on CodePen

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