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loop reverse animation

Nada test
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Hey guys!
I have a problem with reverse function, It reverse all play animation which happened after click.

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
	var menuitem__click = $('.submenu__item'),
	$document = $(document),
	action__zone = $('.action__zone'),
	counter = false,
	counter_uniqe = false,
	$click = $('.click'),
	menu_tween_1= new TimelineMax({
					paused: true,
					reversed: true,
					align: 'sequence',
	//TweenMax.set ( $('.action__item'), { visibility: 'hidden' } );
	menuitem__click.on('click', function() {
		var $this = $(this),
			id = $(this).attr('data-id'),
			$cont = $('.action__item[data-id="'+id+'"]'),
			$cont_item = $('.action__item[data-id="'+id+'"] .menu-holder__list .menu-holder__item'),
			$thisClick = ($cont + "Click");
			.to('.action__zone', 0,{className:"+=active"})
			.to('.action__zone', .01,{autoAlpha:"1",ease:Power1.easeOut})
			//.to('.action__item', 0,{className:"-=active"})
			//.to($cont, 0,{className:"+=active"})
			.to('.menu-holder__bg', 0.8,{scaleX:1,ease:Power2.easeInOut})
			.staggerFromTo($cont_item, 1.3,{autoAlpha:0,x:80},{autoAlpha:1,x:0 ,ease:Power2.easeInOut},.06);	
		if($cont.length) {
		else {


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Hey Nada and welcome to the GreenSock forums. 


From what I can tell, this is the expected behavior (i.e. what should happen). Think of timelines as a list of smaller animations. When you call menu_tween_1.to (creating a new tween/animation and adding it to the menu_tween_1 timeline) then later when you reverse the entire timeline those tweens/animations that you add to it should be reversed as well.


What are you expecting to happen? Can you please create a minimal demo recreating the issue(s) that you're facing? It would greatly help us in helping you.


P.S. We highly recommend GSAP 3. It's smaller, has a bunch of new features, and has a smoother API :) 

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