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Property Binding Regardsless of Change

mkadirtan test
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First of all, thanks for the amazing library.


I have a 3D object and I am animating its position using TimelineLite. My 3D object can be dragged around using mouse. And position object has 3 properties x, y and z, all of which are animated.

An example usage:

x,y,z fromTo (0,0,0) => (5,0,0)

In this case only x component has changed. Animation plays as it should.

If I try to drag the 3D object around it doesn't "protect" its y and z components.

If however I were to animate x,y,z fromTo (0,0,0) => (5,5,5); This gives me the expected result such that I can't drag around 3D object freely because the Timeline has "control" over it.

I am guessing that this behavior is not unexpected and it is logical in terms of performance optimisation.


My question: is there a flag I can set to avoid this behaviour or should I use a work around such that position is animated from 0 to 0.000001 or something like that?

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Hi, can you provide a reduced live sample in codepen that illustrates just the issue you're having? So we can take a better look and understand the issue. With the information you're providing right now is really hard (at least for me) to get a good idea of what you're dealing with.



Happy Tweening!!!

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